Example sentences of "saw [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This saw off 27 of the 64 challengers , including most of the Brits .
2 This selection of winning tools includes a 20in Short cut saw for each runner up .
3 You need a different size of hole saw for each size of hole : you can buy multiple hole saws which have ‘ nests ’ of different sizes .
4 There was great scope we saw for matching marketing , the due diligence product outside er Manchester area er that has been particularly successful we are going to have , well all of you are probably aware of of a significant increase in the in the of due dili due diligence work er very encouraging that er most of it I think I 'm right in saying has come , certainly the bigger ones have come from out with the region er and have been introduced to us from bankers er in London , er initially we 've had er a lot of support from our er colleagues in London who 've effected the introductions in the first place , precisely how the partnership virtually work .
5 It 's rather like DIY in that one day you may need a power saw to cut up some timber , the next a hand saw for some precision work .
6 O'Hara , he said , was the terrifying shadow on the wall which every child saw through half-closed lids once the nursery door had shut .
7 Now saw through each section of the frame , starting with the sides .
8 It 's an entirely different argument , which is being very thoroughly discussed locally at present and will go on being discussed , and it was erm really unfair to ask the parents to decide upon that veer a vote on opting out , and I think a lot of parents , including very many whom I spoke to , saw through that argument .
9 There were plate-glass windows on three sides of the office … and what Cardiff saw through those windows brought him to a halt .
10 But he saw through this . ’
11 Five were detained in hospital , including two fascists , and one doctor saw between fifty and seventy victims .
12 A series of meetings was held in March , April and May 1990 with radical Palestinian groupings in what many observers saw as preparatory steps towards their unbanning .
13 It was equally predictable that these contacts were liveliest with the West Frankish church ; and that it was Charles the Bald who responded most strongly , both positively , to papal appeals for help , and also aggressively , to what he saw as papal interference in the West Frankish church 's political concordat with his own regime .
14 Other early ministers were pushed into politics by the reaction of others to what they saw as religious activity .
15 Pask more determinedly attempted to block Self 's attempts to assert control , which he saw as unnecessary complications at a time when their efforts should be directed single-mindedly to overcoming the serious generating plant backlog .
16 Of the various attempts that have been made to apply Althusser 's principles , by far the most wholehearted and discerning is the work of Nicos Poulantzas , who offered both an account of the state in capitalist societies and an analysis of what he saw as one of its exceptional forms fascism .
17 Owen saw as one of the chief evils of the suffrage movement its apparent disrespect for men .
18 The governor expressed his disillusionment in letters to Penn and others : ‘ the hosts of mosquitoes are worse than armed men , yet the men without arms [ are ] worse than they ’ ; and attacked what he saw as Quaker hypocrisy : ‘ each praying with his neighbour on First Days , and then preying on him the other six ’ .
19 This was true in so far as RCM workers were frequently driven to distraction by what they saw as unreasonable demands by orthodox children and their elders .
20 Mr. Bailey 's own views are not stated , but as his appointment had included that of vaccinator , his reaction to this command was probably provoked by what he saw as lay interference in a professional matter .
21 His autobiography makes it clear that Terence O'Neill had no sympathy with what he saw as parochial unionism .
22 Then , as he frequently did , he took a moral line , based on what he saw as natural law , and said he would not blame , and might even assist , the victim 's relatives in such a case , should they wish to exact retribution and then hide .
23 Alongside these teaching institutions developed the great museums which the Victorians — more progressive than many of their descendants — saw as another type of educational establishment .
24 With a substantial widening of the franchise , Peres hoped to head off what he saw as PLO-inspired recalcitrance and allow the accommodationist vote to prevail .
25 The rest he saw as just bureaucracy .
26 Midge protested at what she saw as bureaucratic interference in what should have been a private grief .
27 Such powers , with a bad record on human rights , were quick to show resentment at what they saw as American meddling in their internal affairs .
28 Through their objectivity , he argued , search consultants were able to provide what he saw as conceptual help in defining a business need and translating it into the sort of people who could fulfil it ; actually searching for people was perhaps less important .
29 There was no competition here , no assumed superiority on the part of another to make her uneasy or defensive , only what she saw as shared experience , delightful in retrospect .
30 Eliot , however , is content to show this here without curbing Sweeney 's activities ; they are too useful as violently funny weapons against the high priests of the progressive individualism of Eliot 's youth , whom he saw as false prophets of a rigid pseudo-themis , ‘ Matthew and Waldo , guardians of the faith , / The army of unalterable law . ’
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