Example sentences of "person [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And you , Shallot , were the last person to see him alive ? ’
2 In some cases , a Zuwayi who had unwittingly offended someone would constrain that person to forgive him by offering compensation and sacrificing animals to him .
3 Two nights later , Derek was having a drink in the same hotel when the same person approached him accompanied by a second man who gave his name as Alexander Atkins .
4 And when the first person to find him had turned him over , presuming him dead , he had bitten a chunk out of that person 's thigh .
5 One person recognised him from the Bath Festival .
6 And above all , why should Isambard come down here in person to visit him after supper , splendid and ceremonious in his brown and gold brocade , attended by servants bringing in a gilded chair for him , and a page carrying wine ?
7 He can require any person to afford him such facilities and assistance , within that person 's control or responsibilities , as are necessary to enable the inspector to exercise any of the powers conferred on him .
8 From the corner of my eye I see Walter return and realise with a start that the person accompanying him enswathed in a black bournous is Marianne .
9 ‘ But will he if the person facing him has the same weapon ?
10 He may take samples and can require any person to give him information relevant to his examination or investigation , to answer questions and to sign a declaration of the truth of the answers .
11 At my request the BBC publicity person chaperoning him is despatched .
12 He let someone into that church , a thief , another derelict , a psychopath , and that person killed him .
13 It occurred to us that you 'd be the ideal person to teach him what goes on behind the scenes . ’
14 I urge the Secretary of State to say why , when business person after business person tells him , ’ Of course , we must have a single European currency , ’ he continues to insist on the opt-out that is so unrealistic and damaging to British industry ?
15 For when he seeks a particular type of person to assist him in a particular way , he can be assured that the recruitment professional will not waste his time or energy in introducing unsuitable candidates for consideration , but that he will be given details of only the right sort of person for the required position .
16 It was a ludicrous mistake , or else a calculated insult , he was n't sure which , to send such a person to shadow him .
17 I was the first person to take him simply as he was , and for that he showed his gratitude by giving me a light kiss on the cheek in the darkened carriage .
18 ’ Sergeant Bramble made as if to speak , but the foreign person silenced him with a glance that would have iced coffee .
19 I 'm not the type of person to tell him straight out to go . ’
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