Example sentences of "britain [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Born the son of a bank official , he was 23 when he made the five-week voyage to Britain aboard the Northern Star armed with an Auckland University degree to take up his scholarship place at Balliol College , Oxford , in the early 1960s .
2 The last consignment left Britain aboard the Argentinian ship Tierra del Fuego II on 19 March last year .
3 These potatoes are round and white , a new Dutch strain , being grown in Britain for the first time this year .
4 The latest move comes a day after Ke Zaishuo , the senior Peking representative to the Joint Liaison Group — the Anglo-Chinese body overseeing Hong Kong 's return to mainland sovereignty in 1997 — blamed Britain for the crisis of confidence in the territory after the Chinese army assault on Tiananmen Square .
5 Yesterday , the Soviet Union blamed Britain for the cancellation of a visit by a human rights delegation , saying British officials insisted on sending Mr Michael Bourdeaux of Keston College — someone they knew would not be given a Soviet visa .
6 Engel is German by birth but has lived in Britain for the last 20 years , and this mixed background has been reflected not only in Melancholia 's plot but in its production history , as it has been co-financed by the British Film Institute and the Hamburg company Lichtblick .
7 The naval support given immediately by Britain for the Korean operation was seen by the Foreign Office as a useful demonstration of Britain 's ‘ capacity to act as a world power with the support of the Commonwealth , and of its quickness to move when action rather than words are necessary ’ .
8 But what is it like to face Immigration Officers when you come to Britain for the first time , not knowing the language , uncertain about the future ?
9 The provision of bases in Britain for the US Strategic Air Command bombers and the RAF-manned Thor missiles were repaid in exchanges on nuclear strategy , tactics and targeting .
10 A ‘ European ’ car , for instance , would be designed and built in Britain for the local mass market , but also exported as a niche product to Japan and America .
11 Genzyme announced last week that Ceredase , its drug for Gaucher disease , is being used in Britain for the first time in 10 patients seriously ill with the rare and potentially fatal inherited disease .
12 Germany outstripped Britain for the first time as the largest contributor last year .
13 If Canada joined Britain for the war , as she most certainly would , which unit of the service would I be joining ?
14 Before 1869 , there was no Institution in England and Wales ( nor for that matter , in Scotland ) where deaf children of Roman Catholics could be educated in their own faith , and when a Belgian priest , Monsignore de Haerne , a deputy in the Belgian Senate , learnt of this , he came to Britain for the purpose of establishing one .
15 No one can be in any doubt now that she was pulling the strings behind the royal side show that has preoccupied Britain for the past six months .
16 TOUGH Belfast-style stop and search tactics are to be used across Britain for the first time to combat IRA bombers .
17 I am grateful to my colleagues at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the United States and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Britain for the help and opportunities they have given me in the preparation of this book .
18 My partners were Doug Scott , squeezing climbing into a packed lecture programme , and David Harris , the author of Vortex , who was visiting Britain for the Boardman-Tasker Award ceremonies .
19 George — who is shopping around Ireland and Britain for the best op prices — said : ‘ The minimum is £8,000 .
20 Six RAF Tornados will leave Britain for the Gulf today to join in the crackdown .
21 Michael Roberts rode six winners in a day in Britain for the first time on Saturday .
22 And already it holds the record in Britain for the inland stretch of water with the highest number of bird species in winter .
23 In Britain for the foreseeable future the ultimate purchaser of 80% or more of health care will continue to be the Treasury .
24 The M6 crosses on the Thornbridge Viaduct , a viaduct which has been extensively repaired last year using a very powerful water lance to cut out deteriorated concrete , a German tool being used in Britain for the first time .
25 This month she is visiting Britain for the first time in years .
26 The 1851 census revealed that in Britain for the first time more people lived in towns than in the country and that trend continued .
27 By October she was back in London , billeted in a students ' hostel at Southampton Row , and worshipping at Regent Hall , where the Australian group had made such an impact the night of their arrival in Britain for the International Youth Congress .
28 I am pleased that through the good settlement that I was able to give to the Arts Council of Great Britain for the year ahead and , through it , the Welsh Arts Council , the Welsh National Opera 's overall income from the two arts councils will rise by about 7 per cent .
29 When Soviet troops invaded Finland in November 1939 , for instance , there was widespread sympathy in Britain for the latest victims of aggression ; but D. N. Pritt , although a member of the Labour Party National Executive , attempted to justify the role of the Russians .
30 ‘ There was nothing confidential about it : it was a bright idea some Americans had for setting up training courses — that sort of thing — for their businessmen and other people coming over to Britain for the first time .
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