Example sentences of "britain [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 Understandably , in the light of its heroic effort in 1940 and its enormous contribution to the subsequent defeat of the fascist enemy , Britain mistook being on the winning side for having won the war .
2 Because Britain has been covered , during the last few weeks , with record levels of toxic and other dangerous substances .
3 On imports , Britain has been uniquely robust in the face of protest .
4 Britain has been muttering that if it perceives a ‘ consensus for democracy ’ in Hong Kong , it will start ‘ talking tough ’ to Peking at a diplomatic level , and perhaps even adopt the Legislative Council proposals for 1995 in the teeth of Chinese opposition and without regard to ‘ convergence ’ with the Basic Law .
5 People know the evidence of their pockets and are unlikely to be easily persauded that Mrs Thatcher 's Britain has been , or has yet become , the economic disaster area which Mr Kinnock depicted .
6 A MAJOR financial institution in Britain has been the victim of a £50m computerised theft in which the money was sent around the world in electronic parcels .
7 BRITAIN HAS been instructed by the European Community to suspend immediately key provisions of the 1988 Merchant Shipping Act , designed to repel a 100- strong armada of Spanish vessels fishing in United Kingdom waters .
8 Conservatism in Britain has been multifaceted but that tradition has been dominant .
9 The flu strain reported this week to be hitting offices , factories and schools throughout Britain has been identified as A/Shanghai ; the flu vaccine now available from doctors protects against it .
10 Under these conditions Hong Kong emigration to Britain has been very small .
11 So Britain has been stuck with trust-me pragmatism .
12 Britain has been resisting much of this , but none too skilfully .
13 Britain has been allocated 1.2 billion ecus ( £830m ) of ERDF money for 1988–91 .
14 Britain has been a loser country in a manifestly unfair trade environment .
15 Our knowledge of the identification and distribution of stone axes in Britain has been gained from a very long-running co-operative research effort involving archaeologists and petrologists : over the last fifty years more than 7500 axes have been examined petrologically .
16 Britain has been denied this freedom because it has never had a truly commercial broadcasting environment .
17 On the whole , especially at local level , the Left in Britain has been more goal orientated than the Right .
18 But , despite the potential , Britain has been tentative in expanding hospital services into the home , although the distress caused to children who spend long periods in hospital has led to some developments in acute paediatric care at home .
19 Britain has been concerned at Libyan attempts to put pressure on foreign governments by refusing exit visas .
20 Britain has been governed by south-east England for the past 13 years , and it has become possible for London and the Home Counties to ignore some aspects of reality .
21 THE Commander of a US Air Force base in Britain has been reprimanded by the Ministry of Defence for failing to hand over a rape suspect to British police , trying him instead at a court martial .
22 As has been seen above ( Chapter 1 ) , the same measure will call for controls to prevent eutrophication in coastal water and Britain has been fighting the battle-of-the-maps at the Paris Commission .
23 Since the turn of the century there have been brief periods when Britain has been more or less self-sufficient in cereals , meat , and dairy produce — during the two World Wars , and today , under the extraordinary economics of the European Community .
24 Whilst other nations wrestle with the complex problems of a modern democracy , the questions of press ownership , the funding of political parties , wire-tapping , privacy , freedom of information , the control of the security services , and so on , Britain has been content either to stand aside altogether or to legislate for continuing trust and deference .
25 This structural contradiction may explain , though it does not excuse , why Britain has been brought to book so frequently by the European judges .
26 The wettest town in Britain has been a major centre of the Welsh slate industry since the eighteenth century , and the hills all round it are scarred by quarries and deformed by spoil heaps .
27 In a journey back through the history of crime and delinquency , Pearson shows that for generations Britain has been plagued by the same problems and fears as today .
28 G. Britain has been occupied by people for a long , long time .
29 Britain has been an accomplice in this .
30 On the other hand , Malcolm Juleff , the managing director of a small firm in Derbyshire called Micro Image Technology , says Britain has been ‘ pathetic ’ in making chips .
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