Example sentences of "go down to " in BNC.

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1 I did go down to my local Citizens ' Advice Bureau to see if they had any ideas , but all they could do was pass on the news that there was a squeeze on the social fund ( the emergency payments fund ) , so I was well advised not to expect too much if I did decide to try the social security people .
2 As they were so into The Faces they 'd go down to Richmond .
3 After they had gone in and resumed their grind in the usual places , Rose came out to him and said gently , ‘ You were terrible , Daddy , to make them go down to the lake . ’
4 ‘ Will you go down to the town , to the nearest phone box and get on to the station ?
5 One evening , David , Barry , Christina and John Hutchinson were all sitting in my front room and talking about what we could actually do to earn some money It was suggested that we might go down to one of the local pubs which held regular jazz nights , to see if they had an evening free and perhaps we could run a folk club just one evening a week and maybe charge people to come in and make a few pennies for ourselves .
6 Then she would go down to his cluttered little house in South Kensington with his hundreds of contacts ( for he was clever enough never to leave anything to chance ) and he would pronounce them all ‘ Absolutely Divine , ’ but at last succeed , with supreme anguish , in selecting one or two which were even more divine than the others .
7 It was only when I felt safe with you , and after we had spent some hours working on our poems , that we would go down to the restaurant for late dinner , which always ended with either banana or ‘ flan ’ .
8 Some of you are still without your costumes so if you could all go down to the municipal tip and see if you can flush out any dustbin lids it would be a great help . ’
9 We can go down to Aquae Sulis for a bit of steaming an' that , you need to get away funny time of the moon coming up , know what I mean ?
10 Straight home ? she wondered , then decided she 'd go down to the front and see if her dad was there .
11 We 'll go down to the next floor .
12 On a Sunday , they could go down to chapel , the old girls 'd to go down one side of the aisle , they 'd go down the other , the old men , tried to put his hand out , touch the old lady …
13 Its diet consists of herring , mackerel , pilchard , rats-tails and argentines , also squid , and , as it will go down to 610 metres ( 334 fathoms ) deepwater species .
14 ‘ Look , why do n't you go down to the bar and have a couple of drinks ? ’
15 And chaps like me can then go down to the villa , for those two weeks , every year for the next twenty-five years , without paying a penny !
16 They could go down to Beachy Head .
17 Do you go down to the baths every night ?
18 Why do n't you go down to the optician 's and see about it ? ’
19 I do sometimes go down to 2½lb , but although I have never been broken on it I never feel as confident as I ought .
20 I 'd go down to the bottom and try all the locks , come up , go along the next street .
21 WE ALL , I reckon , feel a nostalgia for the days before the First World War when we read that travel was simpler and you could go down to Victoria and light out for the Continent without bothering about a passport .
22 Why do n't you go down to the sea and get a blow before tea ? ’
23 He would often go down to the Hare and Hounds at the west end of Hury — it 's gone now of course — but he was a grand man and his scarum ways did not alter my affection for him one bit .
24 Just the three of us , my parents and me , would go down to Hury and stay there for two or three weeks , or until the work was done .
25 I 'd better go down to Episkopi .
26 During filming in LA , Harry and Lillian would go down to the set and watch their son perform .
27 He would go down to Nunes and take over the house .
28 Then she asked , ‘ What on earth made you go down to the beach ?
29 Tomorrow , she promised herself , she would go down to Dawne 's Dresse Shoppe — she 'd make him pay .
30 Later , after leisurely baths , we would go down to the bar for our aperitifs and continue reading or play cards until dinner , which was always excellent and ended with a savoury — an almost obsolete course , sadly .
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