Example sentences of "go out to " in BNC.

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1 Some areas have day care available at weekends , or for long days so that a carer can go out to work .
2 ‘ I 'll go out to the fields for a few hours to try to work off some of this . ’
3 The big regatta dances in the huge grey tent down by the quay in Carrick were just beginning but there were so few days left of the holiday that Maggie preferred to spend them about the house chatting with Rose or her sisters around the fire or talking with Michael out in the front garden among his flowerbeds ; and sometimes during long breaks in the rain they would go out to where Moran was tidying up in the meadows .
4 But one thing about our Asian men is that they think it a matter of pride that their women must not go out to work .
5 Susceptible to malaria , and having recently had open-heart surgery , Vanne can no longer go out to Africa ; but when Jane visits the UK she stays with her mother in Bournemouth .
6 Your heart would go out to her , Wilson , if you were to see how she struggles to be her old self but is exhausted after a mere ten minutes of conversation , and then she is obliged to fall back and take no more part in it though wishing to do so .
7 Cain said to Abel his brother , ‘ Let us go out to the field . ’
8 He would prefer us to be in the position of the person who learns to trust that a friend has posted a letter , and who does not go out to be certain that the letter has found its destination , a search that in fact would portray not faith , but a lack of faith .
9 She experienced changeable moods and panic attacks — she had n't been on holiday for 20 years and could n't even go out to dinner for fear of not being able to get away .
10 They rise early by the alarm clock , so the husband can go out to work — cultivating vegetables , rearing rabbits and poultry in the garden , and mending things in his shed .
11 The reason for this seems to be that the opportunity cost of keeping boys at school when they could go out to work is greater than for girls , especially for poor rural families .
12 The school should go out to the community and the community should also support and be part of the school .
13 Conversely , a man 's wish to care for an elderly relative might conflict with the expectation that he should go out to work .
14 For myself , I was hooked by John 's radical zeal to see the gospel go out to all .
15 ‘ How dare you go out to dinner with Ricky ? ’ screamed Perdita .
16 We would go out to lunch or perhaps look around a stately home — life became extremely rich because we could control Ruth 's pain with morphine .
17 A curate at St Luke 's , an older man from the West Indies , almost persuaded my parents to let me go out to Codrington College in the West Indies , but my headmaster was firm against this , expressing the hope that I might get a scholarship to an English university .
18 THE hearts of millions of viewers will go out to Michael Aspel 's 12-year-old son Patrick when he appears on TV for the first time next month .
19 Miss Honey said to the class , ‘ I think you 'd all better go out to the playground and amuse yourselves until the next lesson . ’
20 Finishing the book and having to go back to take photographs specially for it left me a bit jaded , so I did n't go out to the Alps this year .
21 The programme will be shown as part of the Western Approach documentary series on BBC2 at 7.30pm one Thursday in October and will go out to the Somerset and Dorset West region .
22 De Nitto says the third snapshot of the distributed services module was frozen last Thursday and will go out to members in September , following testing .
23 Ms De Nitto says the third snapshot of the distributed services module was frozen last Thursday and will go out to members in September , following testing .
24 We got the Gilbey bar but I no the answer to that question would be if any company or org organisation was prepared or wished to talk about funding the theatre in any way and I think were 'd be more than welcome to sit down with and talk them and say well how would you perceive that which way would you like to go about it how can we assist that and I think we 're be open to suggestions from them how they see it I mean you know it could be seats it could be programmes it could be any any arrange of things that we 'd certainly welcome who approach us from companies but we I think we are pro-active in sense that we do n't wait for that to happen we actually go out but was said early I think given the recession it has been difficult lately to actually go out to companies and say I mean sure companies like the Harlow Council find it extremely finance the finances extremely difficult on them and with the recession it 's really difficult for them to actually find funding and I know lot 's of companies who actually cutting back on it certain areas I think funding of oth outside organisations will be one of the areas they 'll be cutting back on .
25 At fifteen , when I could legally go out to work , I got a Saturday job which paid for my clothes ( except my school uniform , which was part of the deal , somehow ) .
26 In the evenings , if the Eliots did not go out to the cinema or theatre together , they would often listen to the gramophone — he had an especial affection for the music of Bartok , although sometimes he would play the songs of Edward Lear .
27 They would go out to Florida and see Edith , though .
28 If I could go out to work and leave the child and and do what I wanted to do , I 'd be quite happy with that .
29 A minister will go out to a ho hotel .
30 Erm I could go out to Harrogate and see if there 's anything on the Conference Centre there ,
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