Example sentences of "to get we [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Graham Taylor was trying to get us through to the semi-finals in the best way he knows — rightly or wrongly .
2 So there was we 'd already taken the air out to get us through .
3 I appreciate that we cyclists must have caused the operation quite a bit of inconvenience , particularly the stops to get us on and off ; the problems of finding suitable lay-bys etc ; the time taken ; and the dirty work for the drivers .
4 incentive to get us up this last steep pull on to the summit of Beinn Ghlas .
5 Rice Krispies here is there anybody available to get us down some more Rice Krispies ?
6 So everyone working on the door at Ronnie 's had a good laugh at us while Strummer was hustling to get us in .
7 He stayed with Palace , totted up 180 league appearances and tried all he knew to get us back to Division Two .
8 That is enough to get us back into the top flight .
9 Any attempt to specify these incentives and disincentives would seem to get us back to something very much like the attempt to specify all possible human pleasures and pains which , as was mentioned in Chapter 1 , was one of Bentham 's less successful utilitarian ventures .
10 I was doing a three-point-turn manoeuvre to get us back onto the road when he woke up , lifted his hat and mumbled : ‘ Where are we ? ’
11 By then I 'll have worked out a plan to get us back behind our own lines . ’
12 He could be the player to get us back on track .
13 But they got us into this mess , it 's up to them to get us out of it .
14 No daily Hansard is at hand , to get us out of a tight corner .
15 Matthew 's style was snappy : ‘ John Major was the Chancellor who got us into recession and he is the Prime Minister who is n't going to get us out … ’
16 They have no idea how to get us out of it and even less idea how to stay out of it .
17 The Embassy and Foreign Office seemed powerless to do anything to get us out , but a floppy disk slides easily into a diplomatic bag .
18 They want someone to get us out of it .
19 They 've just let me and our coaches get on with the job of trying to get us out of the mess we were in , and still are in .
20 Fighting is always a last resort , because the result is never certain ; and if we do fight , we have a responsibility to use our knowledge only to get us out of trouble — not for revenge or retribution .
21 Over the season it will be good enough to get us out of this division provided we stick together .
22 Moreover , if God were always intervening to get us out of difficulties or dangers , we should never learn to become responsible people .
23 ‘ I ca n't think how to get us out of this one .
24 The blokes tried to get us out with water — the firehoses .
25 And er the gate end came in , that 's where the gate men And er we were trapped in there , there were three of us , and we could n't get out , and we were there ooh about twelve hours before they managed to get us out .
26 They spent millions trying to get us out , to wipe our records clean , then they go and change their minds .
27 We were in their hands and obviously we needed a miracle to get us out .
28 He 's got to get us out first . "
29 " If you had an ounce of sense in your brain , you 'd think of some plan to get us out of our difficulty ! "
30 I would n't call last season debacle making the right decisions , my own personal opinion of him is that he was the right manager to get us out of the second divsion , but I feel that given the players and money avail able to him he maybe could have done better .
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