Example sentences of "hand [adv prt] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah I know I did n't want to do that just at the moment Yep hand on hang on er I 'm just I 'm looking up again close the phone failure what that one there all right oh I was leaving that one open in case somebody rang through do n't if they ring through ca n't they come straight on if I leave it open ?
2 She put her hand down to push him away and he grabbed it , squeezing it around the erect penis and forcing her to rub it up and down .
3 ‘ I guess so , ’ said Luke , putting a hand down to stroke her aching , knotted belly , ‘ and some Buscopan too if you need it .
4 He slid one hand down to cup her naked breast , and the breath blocked in her throat as his thumb teased one nipple .
5 ‘ When I put my hand down to feel what was wrong I realised she was being attacked — but I did n't know by what .
6 She did not put her other hand down to feel her body .
7 Went round and put his hand in to see if it was dry .
8 That done , he ripped open the silk breeches and put a hairy hand in to explore the gentleman 's privates for hidden belts or purses .
9 She found a pair of stockings , passed her hand through to check for runs , discovered a small one near the heel and dabbed it with the bar of soap to hold it ; put on her two-tone coffee and cream high-heel shoes , then looking close in the mirror , applied some eyeliner with the flick of a tail in the corner and painted pale lipstick on her mouth .
10 Sarah held her ringless hand up to take another drag .
11 Then , remembering that she had left her boa in the car , with a totally unhurried gesture , she put a hand up to hold it together at her throat .
12 She put a hand up to touch his lips and gently with the other eased herself up from the sofa .
13 Lyn put her free hand up to touch her own hair .
14 I 've been there and still put my hand up to see if the cotton-wool pad is slipping .
15 I put my hand up to stop it and he caught my hand and cut me . ’
16 It flew dead straight , and was just about to begin its descent towards Belinda 's desk when Jason Drew , who was sitting immediately behind Belinda , put his hand up to ask a question .
17 Would that it were as easy as sticking your hand up to vote for it Because I have to say that I see no evidence since that motion approving the management initiative was passed of Labour and Liberal members doing any more than paying lip service .
18 Benjamin brought his hand up to emphasise his point .
19 No just put your hand up remember what I say .
20 Billie held her hand up to interrupt him .
21 okay , pretend that you 're that building and I want you to describe yourself and and I want the rest of the class to see if they can guess what it is and how long they take it they take to guess okay , and if you think you know what that person is , put your hand up do n't do n't shout out .
22 Okay if you 're left handed then then I guess you 're probably gon na feel more comfortable that way round erm but while you 're using this and while you 're making a point about what you 've written just just stand to the side of it I usually put me hand up have done there just make the points to be made , yes .
23 She lost all awareness of time and place , sinking into a realm of the senses where she could not help but bring her hand up to run her fingers into his hair to hold his mouth to hers as she returned his kiss .
24 All we see are those headlines , and I have to hold my hand up to get the last one : ‘ Murder on the Isle of Dogs — muggers turn to guns . ’
25 I put a hand up to feel my head .
26 When the woman put her hand up to protect herself the man grabbed two rings off her fingers but they were later recovered in the car .
27 ‘ Miss Araminta regards me as a servant , ma'am , ’ Theda said , faintly smiling , and reaching a hand out to stroke Hector 's woolly head where he lay on his blanket , as if to find some outlet for the feelings of gentleness running through her .
28 She leaned over the lacy cot and put a hand out to smooth the tangled curls .
29 He was holding his hand out hoping that he would er get a bit and well I said if you give me
30 She stumbled on the steady stone of the platform , and put a hand out to stop herself slamming into the curved wall .
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