Example sentences of "far [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I. , N. and R. It may be indeed that such doctors will be willing to say that they would give the very authority for mechanical intervention which the doctors who have so far given evidence did not support .
2 The government has not so far given ground on Mozambique , and has insisted that it is committed to keeping its troops in Cambodia .
3 She says that between three and four thousand people in the country have so far registered complaints about the drug with their solicitors — they will have to be examined before any action is taken to get expert advice on how probable it is that their problem was caused by the Myodil injections .
4 However it is the quantitative measures which have so far dominated research in this field , and which will provide the basis for this review .
5 There was no trace of the bombers , and no one has so far claimed responsibility .
6 There were no houses in sight ; the sea on one side and steeply rising ground on the other had so far discouraged developers .
7 One week there had been fifty fridge doors outside his office , another week forty or fifty bicycle frames , although Robert had not so far caught sight of a single chain , tyre , wheel or handlebar .
8 On March 12 Mandela , continuing a foreign tour which had so far included Zimbabwe and Ethiopia and Tanzania as well as Zambia , travelled to Sweden , whose government had shown the greatest support for the ANC outside Africa .
9 In any further consideration of ’ Options for Change ’ will the Minister take into account lessons from the Gulf war such as heavy lift , better intelligence especially on targeting , mine counter-measures , which may have inhibited an amphibious operation , and , above all , fire from friendly forces , which underlines the need for the IFF — identification , friend or foe — system which has so far eluded NATO ?
10 We have so far considered reasons why the interests of managers may not be best served by pursuing the goal of profit maximisation .
11 We have so far considered point charges , dipoles , line charges , and sheet charges without enquiring into the problem how such configurations of charges come about .
12 We have so far considered distortions that operate in the mind of the investigator .
13 Vera et al. believe that there is potential for improving productivity , including the introduction of legume-rich swards , though as yet the developments in cropping have far exceeded efforts to improve pasture lands .
14 The demand for vins de Pérignon far exceeded supply and , as a consequence , grapes had to be purchased from outside the abbey 's holdings to meet increased production levels .
15 The FAO forestry department admitted that it has had problems meeting demand , which had far exceeded expectations .
16 ( The Guardian of Jan. 8 claimed that United States emissaries from the IMF had actually threatened that , unless Balcerowicz remained in place , Western creditors who had so far lent Poland around US$13,000 million would end their support . )
17 John Coffin did not know he was on the wrong side yet , not having so far met Rose Hilaire , but he too realized that there might be a fight ahead .
18 London has so far had luck on its side with three massive IRA bombs failing to detonate .
19 The company admits that it is disappointed with its returns from Spain , which have so far produced sales which account for just 3% of its total European total : the company had expected 10–15% .
20 We will go out against the Moors and give them battle , and God who hath thus far shown favour unto us will still continue to be our helper .
21 Criticism has come mainly from local authorities , which reckon that the funding so far promised falls far short of that required .
22 Building materials are currently running a small surplus , but imports far outstripped exports in the housing boom of the late 1980s and can be expected to do so again when the construction industry picks up .
23 Boots chief Sir James Blyth is among the bosses whose pay awards far outstripped rises in profits .
24 Late on 29 June 1690 , having so far evaded battle , he was ordered by the government to engage the enemy , being goaded into action by a message from the queen herself : ‘ We apprehend the consequences of your retiring to the Gunfleet to be so fatal , that we choose rather that you should , upon any advantage of the wind , give battle to the enemy . ’
25 Linear B is generally agreed to be an early form of Greek , but Linear A was a different language , which has so far evaded identification .
26 They also agreed to send observers into potential flashpoints of neighbouring Kosovo and Macedonia to prevent a repeat of the civil war in two regions that have so far escaped violence .
27 Religious structures are another category which have so far escaped attention , even though temples are well-established features at many small towns .
28 An appeal fund set up after the tragedy has so far raised £149,664 in memory of James .
29 No country has so far recognised Bougainville 's claim to independence .
30 They gained acceptance and wealth as carriers to the Mugal kings , travelling vast distances to supply far flung armies with grain in exchange for gold , silver and salt .
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