Example sentences of "far [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 In a laboratory in Oxford the purification of penicillin had progressed far enough to be reported in The Lancet in August 1940 .
2 As a general strategy , this is fine , but it is not yet broken down far enough to be useful .
3 I 'd sat on my palliasse writing notes , watching Selma plait her hair , trying to decide when to get up and walk down the inlet far enough to be out of sight in order to go to the loo .
4 The area was about four hours away from Edinburgh or Glasgow — near enough to be accessible for weekends , far enough to be considered remote .
5 He was not going far , by no means as far as Longner , but far enough to be absent when the immediate danger threatened .
6 And he had taken them down into the Southern Ocean , not as far as we were going , but far enough to be in amongst the ice , circumnavigating the whole land mass of Antarctica in waters no man had ever sailed before .
7 Yeah , the , the that way there , I would n't say that was he were , I do n't think he far enough to the right , to be on the playing field .
8 The trustie looked away , far down to the recesses of the hut .
9 Asparagus , ignoring the growth of weeds , sank its serpentine roots far down to where bones , once carrying flesh for foxhounds , now formed the foundation for the greatest asparagus beds in the county ; its spears were famed for their luscious , indecent appearance , when served at Sunday luncheon parties from early May to the end of June .
10 Gabriel wrapped the white cloak tighter around him , and pulled his curly hair as far down to his shoulders as he could .
11 Whether or not genitalia were seen , either in long shot or close-up , was far less to the point than whether the sexual behaviour displayed was criminal in itself and yet presented solely for the purposes of sexual arousal .
12 Track one is a growling , clapping disco song with a peace message , but far better to my ears are ‘ Klangers ’ , a similar groove which sounds like it has in fact got The Klangers on it although it 's probably just a synth , and ‘ The Horns Of Jerricurl ’ ( geddit ? ) which unfolds the depths of their groove and lays bare their sense of humour .
13 And I think the point the graph makes very clearly is that the eighty nine based set up here at least in my view , to fit far better to what has been happening than eighty five based set .
14 She only just missed a donkey cart that was too far over to the left .
15 ‘ On the sleeve of the first record it was meant to say just Therapy , but I started the logo too far over to the left — and we only had enough money for one sheet of Letraset — I could n't start again , so I just added a question mark to make it fit .
16 The seal , too far away to be identified with certainty but probably a grey , peers myopically and is gone .
17 While all this is going on , far away to the north the volunteers of the Royal Engineers have arrived and are getting straight down to work .
18 So , be sure to pick out the campanile of San Gottardo , to the south beyond the Palazzo Reale , the Sforza castle , to the north-west , Corso Vittorio Emanuele II running away to the north-east , the Torre Velasca to the south and , if the weather is reasonable , the San Siro football stadium far away to the west .
19 The sounds had come far away to the right .
20 His only potential rival — William Dick of Edinburgh — was too far away to be effective .
21 There were no windows in the hut , but the open doorway looked out over the mountainside across the valley to the emerald paddy fields and , far away to the east , the village .
22 Far away to the east a chain of jagged mountains jutted almost imperceptibly across the sky .
23 The other was enshrined at the Mount Juktas peak sanctuary not far away to the south .
24 But — far away to the south west — there was a little light flashing .
25 To his left , St Anthony lighthouse flashed at intervals , and far away to his right the sky was lit now and then by an arc of light from The Lizard .
26 The music by Benjamin Britten includes some part of the War Requiem which means far more to British audiences than mere decorative patterning .
27 Editors were instructed to mould their articles far more to the educational levels of workers and peasants .
28 That meant far more to me than being a bishop .
29 It is how you regard yourself , by what standard , which is far more to the point .
30 The above indicates that there is far more to negotiating than sitting down opposite the other party and trying to bargain .
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