Example sentences of "far [adj] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 To attack the predator while it is in a stable position on the ground is far riskier than to do so when it is clinging to high branches .
2 Dr Shotton pours scorn on mothers who chastise their offspring for playing video games : ‘ It 's far healthier than watching TV .
3 The other was more subtle ; by housing his workers in the country , where life was far healthier than in the crowded tenements of the city , he could provide them with space to grow their own vegetables .
4 On the contrary , politically they are as far right as it 's possible to go without failing off the edge .
5 And there are a great many people , quite sane , quite balanced , quite worthy of respect , who , in the privacy of their psyches , believe in things far stranger than the divinity of Hernan Cortés .
6 It will take you through a forest far stranger than this tiny Ryhope Wood . ’
7 Gold shares , though far dearer than they recently were , are still attractive to some who reckon on rising prices .
8 A human nose is reported to be able to detect and identify an organic sulphur compound at a concentration of one molecule per billion molecules of air , far lower than any present day instrumental technique .
9 Solar power introduces another step where breakdowns can occur , but the cost of maintenance is far lower than with diesel pumps .
10 Although the sexual risks between female partners are far lower than between a male/female couple ( because infected semen does not enter the woman 's body ) , they can not be completely ignored .
11 Second , the marginal costs associated with pintails and deep forks are far lower than those of graduated tails .
12 In addition , women 's earnings on average are far lower than men 's so almost certainly women will earn a lower earnings-related component than men .
13 Yet even when ( or if ) Silo is sorted out , its profit margins ( and its costs ) will remain far lower than its UK counterpart 's .
14 The number densities of craters on the maria are far lower than on the highlands , indicating , as outlined in section 3.3.4 , that the maria surfaces are younger .
15 far lower than in Germany , where it is 26 per cent. , the United States where it is 33 per cent. , and Japan where it is more than 60 per cent .
16 The same problem applies to the new proposals , which are based on compensating flocks that are far lower than the Scottish average .
17 Opposition spokesmen claimed that the real turn-out was far lower than the official figure .
18 The number of applications — 57,900 — was far lower than the anticipated 300,000 .
19 The number of applications was only 65,623 , far lower than the 300,000 expected [ see also p. 38098 , whhich includes provisional figures ] .
20 Their crime rate was far lower than that of any other community .
21 These concentrations are of the same order as those found in the plasma of patients taking 5-ASA preparations orally ( 10–15 µm ) and are far lower than those required to inhibit cyclo-oxygenase , lipoxygenase , or the binding of FMLP to neutrophils ( IC 5 10 , 6 , and >5 mM respectively ) or those found within the colonic lumen of these patients ( 10–20 mM ) .
22 Then the range of speeds that can be measured is very wide ; fractional Doppler shifts as small as 10 -15 can be measured and thus speeds down to less than — far lower than those normally encountered in fluid dynamics — though not all systems are capable of this .
23 Only the loss of Darlington , where Mr Michael Fallon was comprehensively defeated to become one of eight unseated ministers , went against the regional pattern of swings to Labour far lower than that predicted by the polls .
24 ‘ Last year we were looking at levels of Government borrowing far lower than those we are looking at today .
25 Caesar was probably far nearer than God for most of them .
26 The ending of the cold war has made Mr Bush 's administration far readier than its predecessors to shake Israel 's Likud government out of its self-destructive policy of permanent occupation .
27 But every minute in his consulting room I was conscious of the dozen or more , far sicker than me , waiting outside .
28 In the end , Leapor proposes an explanation for marital disaffection far simpler than Swift 's :
29 It has been shown in the experimental literature on the prisoners ' dilemma game that the strategy of ‘ tit for tat ’ is a very effective and frequently chosen way of sustaining co-operation even though it is far simpler than Abreu 's strategies ( and neither subgame perfect nor renegotiation-proof ) .
30 Some of these systems are far simpler than any fluid flow ; we shall see examples in Sections 24.3 and 24.4 .
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