Example sentences of "perhaps for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The vigil in the longhouses was going to last for a day , and perhaps for part of the next night at least .
2 In another sense , though , it also puts an onus on the individual with learning difficulties to accept the role of learner in the relationship — perhaps for life ( Tomlinson , 1985 ) .
3 She 'll have to stay on them for a couple of years , more than likely , perhaps for life .
4 Anything beyond hope is identified for its metal type and dispatched for shredding — the iron going on to steel mills , the non-ferrous metals to smelting pans , perhaps for reincarnation as a Ford gearbox or even a domestic dustbin and lid .
5 If there is anything in the distinction I believe that the term Cabinet Committee ought to be kept for Ministerial committees and perhaps for committees of officials directly subordinate to a Ministerial committee ; but I am far from certain that the distinction is worth making .
6 These are techniques that may be used for longer term forecasting , perhaps for periods of two or more years ahead .
7 British Aerospace could be the main industrial beneficiary if the Indians decide to place contracts in the UK , perhaps for space vehicles to carry telephone calls or TV .
8 There may be appointments to keep , perhaps for treatment sessions with the physiotherapist or speech therapist .
9 In 1293 he was committed to the Tower for a second time , perhaps for misconduct in the service of Queen Eleanor , and only released for a second fine of 1,000 marks .
10 Interesting , but perhaps for expert mind travellers only .
11 But we make common cause in attaching more significance to them than do the theories ( except perhaps for Idealism ) discussed so far .
12 Perhaps for Olga too , it is difficult to imagine that Katia on the court is just another tennis player , and no simply , her fun loving daughter .
13 A tube 's output is governed by its length , so if you need bright illumination ( perhaps for marines , or a deep , planted tank ) you need extra lights , rather than a more powerful tube .
14 It is to let others make the decisions while pretending that we are free to stand apart , unscathed and unaffected , when every decision taken without our full participation will affect our country 's future , perhaps for generations .
15 Nonetheless , USL believes that their collaboration , awkward perhaps for DEC 's press agents , will be serious , in depth and direct .
16 That was possible ; after all , the brothers had spent their childhood and youth at Trebyan ; perhaps for Alfred the only time of happiness he had known .
17 Perhaps for Bartram the greatest satisfaction came from his correspondence with leading botanists and horticulturists in Europe and his valuable exchange with Philip Miller has yet to be considered ( see pp. 81–89 ) .
18 They sometimes take the eggs into the mouth for short periods , perhaps to clean them , perhaps for protection .
19 He often talked about the Empire , but its reality ( save only perhaps for India , which he never visited ) did not inspire him .
20 members to members , and not perhaps for officers to interfere too much other than to give you background information , and it has been falling off , let me just say that .
21 Decisions could either be taken by the heads of departments or referred back , perhaps for legislation , to the respective assemblies .
22 Perhaps for stealth , though ( so hard to hide his soaring neck ) more likely for speed .
23 This too , however , must be seen as a presentation of the lives of human beings , which is useful perhaps for taxation purposes but bears little resemblance to the real world .
24 Perhaps for instance .
25 Perhaps for lack of alternatives , the left in both countries is gambling on being allowed to fight fair elections , to take power if they win , and then to be able to implement real reforms in government .
26 O much more complex perhaps for women as well , more choices there .
27 By referring to your essay in this way , you can direct your reader to specific parts of it , perhaps for emphasis ; and you can comment on and mediate your material .
28 I will keep this book in my desk , for myself — and perhaps for Arthur Nicholls .
29 Camillo had not been in the attic for months and perhaps for years .
30 It goes without saying that we should forget hardback novels — except perhaps for libraries — and concentrate on the paperbacks which children and their parents prefer .
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