Example sentences of "perhaps [art] way " in BNC.

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1 And that is perhaps the way they all want it .
2 The enormity of ‘ one roof ’ had taken her by surprise , and it was perhaps the way that had stiffened her which made her now feel so free , so beyond obligation .
3 Perhaps the way forward lies with a physician with an interest in diabetes based in each district general hospital providing a nucleus of expertise and sharing care with interested general practitioners .
4 Perhaps the way forward from the potential abyss that local government could face is to return to its initial values of pluralism , public participation and local choice .
5 The complaints about the term ‘ case ’ might equally be applied to any unit of service technology : it is perhaps the way in which these terms are used by professionals and others to which the greater attention should be paid if we are to make progress which is enduring ( Dominelli , 1990 ) .
6 Perhaps the way is lost . ’
7 After the long bout of socialism there is bound to be economic instability in Russia and perhaps the way forward would be for those who do not trust the rouble to use barter deals .
8 Perhaps the way not to turn off is to think of individuals .
9 So you know I mean if you use it perhaps the way as explained it then it 's a much better way .
10 and , and stuff like that so I mean in a sense you 're by now a fairly good judge of the way to go about this sort of thing , you 're a fairly good judge of what sort of things are important , perhaps the way in which people describe stuff and , and , you know , words , concepts , vocabularies erm all that kind of thing which obviously it helps if your questionnaire fits in with
11 Perhaps the way of opportunity is the old American system : a year 's study , followed by a year out to earn some money .
12 and just the , the part here , I mean this , this I do n't know if it 's right or if it 's wrong but when you said I wan na put twenty quid towards my children 's future perhaps the way I would see is I , I would think twenty quid 'll go nowhere for their future , it 's gon na be a lot more expensive so as you 're openly offering me to take the money off you for that I would have perhaps gone down to try and commit you towards that need there and then to see how important it is and then , because when I er eventually bring back erm the sort of agenda and say look it 's gon na cost you a hundred and twenty quid a month erm you 're sort of sold on the idea .
13 perhaps a way should be found of ensuring that we experience both the ordinariness and the extraordinariness of the glass , he wrote .
14 Ethical positivism is thus a theory of or approach to law , perhaps a way of viewing law , which explicates law as a human contrivance which is appropriate for attaining desirable social objectives in a morally acceptable manner .
15 Erm because I think what you 're doing 's far more valuable , and I was going to say what you sho what you er er perhaps a way forward is to confirm with heads of departments that they will be giving homework
16 It the impetus came I think largely from feminism and it was perhaps a way of of y'know kind of erm because there was a great deal of interest , particularly in the seventies , in cataloguing and understanding the various ways in which women were oppressed and this is one of the things came to light and often through things like consciousness raising groups .
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