Example sentences of "possible [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Let us suppose that it was somehow possible to banish the feelings which give rise to such ugly behaviour in human beings .
2 Using an expert system ( ES ) , it is possible to acquire the knowledge/expertise from experts and make it always available , i.e. to the less skilled servicing personnel .
3 I was deeply disappointed that neither the hon. Member for Tooting , in a 40-minute speech , nor the hon. Member for Hammersmith , except in an intervention , found it possible to acknowledge the contribution made by housing associations .
4 Even by the beginning of the Cambrian period , when fossils start to become easy to find and many different kinds of animals had acquired preservable hard parts , it is possible to classify the fossils found in the rocks into broadly similar groups .
5 It was also possible to classify the States of Europe according to their ability to wage war , whether on their own or with the help of subsidies and other encouragements from their more powerful neighbours .
6 Professional chemists are very suitable for this type of study ; it is possible to classify the types of work carried out , and other aspects of each job held over the career , in a clear and systematic way .
7 As with chariots , when you are firing at a War Wagon with a stone thrower , or any other weapon which has a template to represent its effect , it is possible to hit the horses , the War Wagon , or the crew depending on the position of the template .
8 Is it possible to arrange the search space such that these conditions do not arise ?
9 It was not possible to compare the 26-way tree , reduced memory tree and trie directly with the dawg because the word lists used in the earlier experiments were no longer available .
10 Because a detailed record of economic activity statuses was collected by the After Redundancy study , it was possible to compare the proportion of time spent by each person since being made redundant in different forms of employment status .
11 For example , it is possible to compare the effects of two experimental conditions on early or late components of the response , the former often being considered to represent ‘ sensory ’ events , the latter ‘ cognitive ’ .
12 Finally , it is possible to compare the findings for men and women with similar occupational status .
13 Thus , for each of the four townships , it should be possible to compare the users identified by the first prevalence study with the users generated by the snowball sample in the same township to produce the required ratio of hidden to known use .
14 On the other hand , it is often possible to compare the degrees of falsifiability of laws or theories .
15 It should be possible to compare the cost effectiveness of community based clinics with that of hospital outpatient care .
16 It is then possible to compare the post reform situation with the actual situation in terms of the distribution of living standards across households , average living standards , and incentives to work .
17 In most of the tests it was also possible to compare the results with those in age and sex matched healthy volunteers with and without H pylori .
18 By asking some of the questions listed above in the section on criteria , it is possible to compare the different systems .
19 This also means that it is not possible to compare the dissociation from isolated GC sites with that from clusters of such sites which may be stabilised by cooperative interaction .
20 Even if the musical language is seen as totally shop-soiled , then , it is still possible to rearticulate the fragments .
21 It may be possible to target the liver by interaction with ( for instance ) transferrin receptors , which are abundant in this organ .
22 A meeting of the SADR Cabinet , chaired by the SADR President , Mohammed Abdelazziz , and held at an unspecified location on Nov. 4 , called on Morocco " once again to begin direct dialogue ( with Polisario ) as soon as possible to implement the resolutions of the international community " .
23 But then , as we shall see , it may become possible to rationalize the kind of collusive behaviour which is simply not contemplated in the standard models .
24 I wanted as far as possible to forearm the boy at the beginning of adolescence — not ramming a weapon into his hand willy-nilly , but showing him the size and shape of it and where it lies in such a way that he would take it up without realizing he was doing so and find himself using it when he needed to .
25 This is presumably because it is seldom possible to heal the breach that is usually created by fighting a legal battle .
26 It had not even proved possible to enforce the 1891 Factory Act , which obliged all women to take one month off after childbirth .
27 The role of the doctor is to give as accurate and helpful information as is possible to enable the patient to come to a decision .
28 By building up a good soil structure and providing conditions where all the natural soil flora and fauna can thrive , it is possible to realize the full potential of any piece of land , and to grow on it vigorous , healthy crops and livestock .
29 Taking into account the various stages of the product life-cycle and the period of time concerned , it is possible to plan the product mix , plan the development and introduction of new products , plan the withdrawal of obsolete or unprofitable products , and set the revenue targets for each product within the total range .
30 If it is in a smooth plastic pot , and there is insufficient root coming through to prevent movement ( i.e. the plant is pot bound ) , it should be possible to slide the pot away just enough to see if the root ball is held intact by root action .
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