Example sentences of "possible [to-vb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Another contributor agreed that it was possible to trot out any number of excuses for the lack of jobs , such as the political unrest ; but unemployment existed in West Belfast before the political unrest .
2 ( e ) Limited contracting-out It may still be possible to contract out of the implied obligations owed under supply contracts .
3 Now , still clutching the slices of unyielding satin to her , Nicandra wondered how it was possible to acknowledge fitly the immediate and selfless gallantry she had seen .
4 However , it is also possible to weave very lightweight fabrics .
5 Part of the site also appears to have been turned over to saw milling , as it was possible to drive either saws or lathes and machinery from the wheels .
6 Walter Heape , a reader in zoology and an anti-suffragist , writing at the end of the century , exulted in a description of menstruation which wallowed in gore , a picture of devastation , rupture , torn membranes , ‘ from which it would hardly seem possible to heal satisfactorily without the aid of surgical treatment ’ …
7 However , it should be recognised that while it is possible to analyse costs retrospectively to the individual patient , it is not possible to plan prospectively for the individual patient .
8 As with all questions affecting retirement , it is sensible if possible to plan ahead .
9 Most private owners discovered the use of a tail and wing-tip dolly a long time ago , making it possible to tow out with a car single-handedly on most days .
10 Without this redshift/distance relation , it would be possible to estimate reliably the distance to most of the galaxies we observe .
11 Thus , by comparing the percentage of cognate words in two related spoken languages it is possible to estimate fairly accurately the date at which they separated .
12 In this way , it is possible to estimate how the chemical stability of a sound recording will fare with time .
13 In its Windows incarnation it 's also possible to monitor exactly what 's going on your hard disk using a utility called the Stackometer .
14 Then , if it seems necessary , it is possible to go either backwards or forwards in time during that same lifetime to complete the picture .
15 John had claimed it was just possible to go backwards ( as it were ) , but you must talk to him about that .
16 But , even with the files at one 's disposal in the Public Record Office , it is still perfectly possible to go astray .
17 So it would be possible to go on : anybody who wishes to do so will find plenty of relevant material in the conscientious bibliography by Sultana Saeed in Law Justice and Equity : essays in tribute to GW Keeton ( 1967 ) .
18 It is possible to go on with the same therapist to deal with the problems which caused you to need the regression experience in the first place .
19 Other questions can also be introduced : how is it possible to go on forming such sentences for ever ?
20 Throughout the 1980s the expanding prison population caused Home Office administrators to question how long it would be possible to go on supplying an unlimited number of places , at enormous cost , for however many convicted or remand prisoners were sent to them by the courts .
21 David began to think that it might be possible to go on living in the same house as Julia and Anthony without either betraying himself or suffering unendurable frustration .
22 It would be possible to go on multiplying instances of the adaptation of the piano idiom to that of the string orchestra , but space is limited , and the above examples will have to suffice .
23 If we live in a free society we can not carry out experiments on the real world so it would not be possible to go ahead and build the road just to see what would happen .
24 Because of the difference in height between the Arun and the casualty , and the prevailing weather conditions , Second Coxswain Barnes decided that it would not be possible to go alongside without causing damage .
25 It will be necessary to see how far it is possible to go along with a strict criterion-referenced system or what kind of compromises may be worked out if such a system has advantages of motivating pupils and aiding changes in curriculum .
26 Was it really possible to go out ?
27 However , Operation Granby proved that it is possible to go out onto the charter market for ships and find ships from many different nations to perform the tasks that we wanted of them .
28 Because it is so bizarre it is not possible to go down a very new route of comedy without appearing derivative .
29 With interlocking bricks it is possible to go further away from the plumb than with smooth blocks ( wood , cork , etc. ) , but there is a limit to how far such non-alignment can go .
30 In the long run it may be possible to go further than this , to appropriate in the form of tax revenue a large part of the income which workers would otherwise have put into long-term savings schemes , and to expand commensurately the socialised provision for retired workers ( state pensions plus appropriate social amenities ) .
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