Example sentences of "yet at [art] " in BNC.

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1 The first Commons debate on world climate change came only two days after the prime minister 's theme-setting UN speech on the environment in November 1989 , yet at no stage in its five-hour course was it attended by more than fourteen MPs .
2 Although some farmers are adopting more intensive systems of production this is not yet at a fast enough rate to generate the large increases in marketed output necessary to feed the towns , where the population is growing at over 6 per cent per year .
3 Yet at a time when decisive action against the Nazis might still have been effective the Swiss Carl Burckhardt made very few decisions at all .
4 Yet at a time when the rest of the industrialized world is moving towards a forty hour week , women , many of whom may work at least eighty hours per week , are encouraged to regard this as not being work .
5 The desire of the Cubists to keep closely in touch with visual reality explains Picasso 's uneasiness about his Cadaquès paintings : clearly he could not go back to his earlier , more laborious methods of dealing with form , and yet at a single stroke he had carried the new technique suggested in the work of Braque to something very near complete abstraction .
6 Yet at a poor family 's most crucial and most public celebrations , at a marriage or at the birth of a male child , the absence of a hijra would almost invalidate the whole ceremony .
7 It 's not yet at a very developed and sophisticated level for ideas like wind energy , solar energy .
8 His Postscript evokes the aim of a white-coated Doctor Kundera ‘ to solve an aesthetic problem : how to write a novel which would be a ‘ critique of poetry ’ and yet at the same time would itself be poetry ’ .
9 Yet at the same time there is work done upon it , he wrote , and which remains , as it does not in the mind .
10 Yet at the same time mere graffito in pissoir , he wrote .
11 Langford and Williams ' work with renowned listed pubs since 1987 puts the company in a favourable light with conservation societies such as The Victorian Society , SPAB , and the Georgian Group ; we have even been known to win a few CAMRA awards yet at the same time the firm has also brazenly converted redundant pubs to café-bar concepts .
12 Europe appeared to accept her difference and individuality , whereas England demanded that she should somehow conform , assimilate , and yet at the same time , there was no way in which it was possible to really ‘ assimilate ’ .
13 Yet at the end of the eighties the only government money paid to BR was the rapidly dwindling subsidy paid to Provincial and Network SouthEast sectors to support loss-making services and talk continued of ‘ bustitution ’ , however ridiculed it was by professional transport executives .
14 Yet at the same time as he was representing members of the Cali cartel , Mr Abbell was on Capitol Hill lobbying for changes in the international treaty on extradition which would favour the defendants in such cases .
15 Yet at the height of the Tambov revolt in 1921 only three south-eastern uezdy of the twelve comprising the guberniia were engulfed by disturbances .
16 As the son of a school-inspector and a typical representative of the pre-Soviet intelligentsia , Lenin was torn between the conflicting needs of creating a politically and culturally conscious nation as fast as possible , yet at the same time ensuring that vulgarized , superficial agitation did not become a substitute for thoroughgoing education on a broad base .
17 Only at the close of the summer did things improve at the central , though not yet at the local level .
18 The work of art was especially fitted to reveal this , since its audience may both criticize , yet at the same time be involved in , its enactment .
19 I suppose when they string together every possible Celtic cliché , you can only sit back and submit knowing that the stereotype is so overplayed as to be utterly ridiculous , yet at the same time resenting the perpetration of it .
20 Because I could n't countenance how you could stay under water without being asphyxiated , and yet at the same time I was incapable of comprehending the trick .
21 This is the densest , yet at the same time one of the most persuasive sections of the book , wherein a variety of arguments drawn from the analytic tradition are deployed against Nietzsche 's lineage : Quine and Davidson on a theory of meaning both holistic and realist — demonstrating that there are more ways out of atomism and the myths of the given than Saussure 's ; and an anti-relativist notion of truth as a ‘ regulative ideal ’ derived from Tarski , Popper and Lakatos .
22 It makes the tragedy even more complete , yet at the same time contains the seeds of hope .
23 ‘ This is a beautiful day at the end of a long way , but we are not yet at the end of that way , a whole lot remains to be done , ’ Mr Brandt said .
24 Yet at the same time the broad mainstream is flowing by .
25 Yet at the age of forty he still regarded himself a failure because his mother had projected on to him her anxieties to such an extent that he never felt he matched up to her expectation of him .
26 ‘ As a breed , ‘ Charlies ’ are very gentle , and yet at the same time strong willed .
27 Watching the Trooper disappear up the road , I reckon it could go on trooping for a long time yet at the right price , with very little needing doing .
28 Yet at the end of one year all the health-related goals are attained and she has attained her correct weight .
29 But maybe it now seems a little clearer why people can truly believe in the resurrection hope for the person who has died , yet at the same time may still allow themselves to feel sad .
30 There had already been a kerfuffle over the pornographic ones ; they could n't be included in the facsimile edition and yet at the same time it could hardly be called a complete edition if they were n't there .
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