Example sentences of "yet make [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 If you ca n't yet make up your mind about what to do with it , put it into a high interest-bearing account in your bank or building society until you do .
2 As it is , women hold barely more than a quarter of all managerial and administrative posts , yet make up nearly half the workforce .
3 We will leave it to Goldberg to disengage the tone from the shit , he wrote , we will leave it to Honeyman and McGough , much good may it do them , though I will no doubt come back to the question before my project is completed , the big glass and the notes to the big glass , these two to be worked on at night , and this freewheeling commentary on both to be written by day , putting down whatever comes into my head after a night 's work , no correction , no revision , whatever comes into my head , the first two to be worked on by artificial light , the strategy clear , this by natural light wherever possible , no strategy at all , the first to be exhibited , the second to be published in the form of sheets in a box , a blue box or a red box , I have not yet made up my mind , in a limited edition , not a luxury edition but a restricted edition , five hundred boxes perhaps or even two hundred and fifty , all that will become clearer in the course of my work on the big glass , of my work on the notes to the big glass , now I have finally embarked on the major project of my life , the climactic project of my life , leading to the end of my life , all will grow clearer , wrote Harsnet , whether to try and call back and destroy all I have done till now or let it be , whether to burn this commentary or let it be , or perhaps leave it to Goldberg to do whatever he wants with , all these things will no doubt be resolved before the work is completed , that is the beauty of being in the middle of a project , that time itself , which had seemed such an enemy before I started , rushing forward and dragging me with it , impervious to my pleas , has suddenly turned friendly , flops down at my feet , licks my ankles , lets me know it is on my side .
4 Washington has not yet made up its collective mind about George Bush .
5 He had n't yet made up his mind where to head for but he needed shelter .
6 Is my hon. Friend aware that there was a serious fall-off in the number of people presenting themselves for eye tests for a considerable period after the charges were introduced and that the current figures show that we have not yet made up that gap ?
7 He had not yet made up his mind whether he would speak in Thursday 's debate on immigration .
8 But the key lies with the 15.3pc who have not yet made up their mind and the 9.9pc who declined to say .
9 Perhaps the most extraordinary creation was a libation vessel in the form of a shell , yet made out of a block of hard and brittle obsidian .
10 It will be compliant with the OSF/1 operating system , but does not include the Mach microkernel , a point Apple is adamant about , as it has yet to make up its mind on the issue of microkernel strategy .
11 But the bishop has yet to make up his mind about a successor . ’
12 Last night , Amaranth Wilikins had told Grunte that she had yet to make up her mind in which of the many debates she would try to speak .
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