Example sentences of "general [noun sg] at " in BNC.

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1 MRS THATCHER has cunningly provoked the Labour party and the media into pushing her into holding a general election at the best time for the Conservative party .
2 However , the debate on these issues will be held in the run-up to the general election at the fag-end of the Parliament .
3 There was the failure of Britain 's bid to enter the EEC ; there were yet more signs of the seemingly intractable weaknesses in the British economy ; and finally there was the uncertainty occasioned by the need to hold a general election at some time in 1964 .
4 Marjorie Stone , general counsel at Sotheby 's , warned that more regulation of auction houses threatened to slow any recovery of the art market in general .
5 The general assessment at the end of a course of instruction ; the evaluation is usually made for grading purposes .
6 It is a report and valuation for mortgage and insurance assessment which is usually done in half an hour and consists of a general look at the property to see that it actually exists as described , and is not in a state of collapse or major disrepair .
7 There are plenty of books on the applications of information technology and several quite good introductory texts on computing for courses in schools but this is the first to take a general look at information technology in education in its broadest sense .
8 A more general look at discipline and management in the family may then be appropriate .
9 Before I attempt to give my own views on what is a complicated ( and locally controversial ) subject , perhaps a more general look at our sea-birds and their lifestyles would be appropriate .
10 In this chapter we start by having a general look at the relationship between the amount of money in the economy and the level of economic activity .
11 This is a general look at handicaps with particular reference to the wheelchair bound and is aimed at helping pupils think about the needs of others in society .
12 Today , and in conclusion , we 're going to have a more general look at society of the future and ask question such as ‘ How different will it be because of these devices ? ’ .
13 We 're going to continue with this objective in the coming months in this , the third series , but before we get totally immersed I want to use the first three programmes to stand back to take a more general look at what universities are about today .
14 The most general level at which socialisation takes place will obviously be where it is common to the society as a whole .
15 There is general disgust at the short non-custodial sentences that are being passed because of the absence of space in prisons of various sorts .
16 Treatment plans should be discussed with the patient 's general practitioner at an early stage and his views taken into consideration .
17 Dr. Francis Maylett Smith remained the General Practitioner at Collier 's Forge until his retirement in 1933 .
18 Taking our cue from the Cardiff group 's vision of a system which ‘ would recall the patients to see their general practitioner at regular intervals , warn … and request … both clinical information and blood for estimation of glycosylated haemoglobin , ’ we have developed a system for prompting community care of non-insulin dependent ( type II ) diabetes .
19 52% ( 108 ) had consulted their general practitioner at the onset of incontinence and a further 31% ( 65 ) later .
20 A further 31% ( 65 ) went to see their doctor — suggesting that over 80% had consulted their general practitioner at some time .
21 Dennay and his deputy were in Scotland earlier this month for a meeting with senior staff , and were left in little doubt about the general unhappiness at the new set up .
22 Although the king from time to time forbade ‘ puture ’ — the contributions in money and in kind exacted by the foresters — the levying of puture seems to have become a general practice at least by the fourteenth century .
23 The Council also says that taking legal action should be possible without having to send a solicitor 's letter first , as seems to be general practice at the moment .
24 The data collected were analysed by the department of general practice at the United Medical and Dental Schools of Guys and St Thomas 's Hospitals .
25 They are Hilary Herron , nursing services head at South Tyrone Hospital , Professor Philip Reilly , head of department of general practice at Queen 's University , and Professor David Sines , professor of community health care nursing at the University of Ulster .
26 As ever , little was done to conceal anything from me as I went in and out of the various rooms in which these gentlemen sat deep in discussion , and I thus could not avoid gaining a certain impression of the general mood at this stage of the proceedings .
27 He rejoined Edward in Gascony in the autumn and attended the general council at Lyons from May to July of 1274 , returning to England for Edward 's coronation on 19 August .
28 Thus , although Innocent III's Lateran Council with its inclusion of a wider section of the clergy and some lay people appeared nearer to the conciliarist , Conrad of Gelnhauser 's , definition of a general council at the time of the Great Schism in 1381 , there was no notion of power-sharing .
29 David Newham , head of general licensing at PPL , warned the industry that buying a licence was cheaper in the long term , as fines could be between £800 and £1,000 .
30 There was a general laugh at this and the subject was dropped .
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