Example sentences of "general [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 In the 1910 general election the Conservatives ’ main gains had been in the counties generally and the southern counties in particular .
2 Immediately after the 1983 general election the CPRS was disbanded and I very much doubt it will ever be resurrected .
3 It was Jim Callaghan 's dithering in 1978 and failure to anticipate the horrors and effect of the ‘ winter of discontent ’ that contributed substantially to Labour 's defeat in the General Election the following year .
4 It is extremely unlikely that there will be any difficulty — at a general election the returns to the writs will have identified the winners and , nowadays , the oath is unlikely to present any problems , although it has in the past .
5 During the general election the doggie vote could hold the balance of power .
6 Does n't he remember that at the General Election the tabloids and so-called quality newspapers slaughtered Labour leader Neil Kinnock who did not have an affair with an actress or take freebie holidays ?
7 Since the general election the move to fundholding has been dramatic and the suggestion that cash limiting will apply to all practitioners will fuel this trend .
8 In the February I 987 general election the fifteen counts required in the Dublin South-East constituency were not notably exceptional .
9 In the 1987 United Kingdom general election the Alliance with 22.6% of the national vote won 3.4% of the seats ; Labour with 61.8% of the city vote won all of the eleven seats in Glasgow , and the Conservatives with 52.1% of the regional vote won all but one of the 20 seats in East Anglia .
10 The point is this , after a general election the party that 's won , it 's share of the vote in the most , in , in the , in the opinion poll taken most immediately after the election it goes up , it 's higher than actually what it gets in the general election .
11 At the 1987 general election the Alliance secured 23 per cent of the vote and 22 seats ( 17 Liberal , 5 SDP ) in the Commons .
12 After a general election the monarch has the formal responsibility to ask the leader of the majority party to form a government .
13 Since the 1987 general election the ranks of Conservative MPs have been reduced to a very small number .
14 Before the general election the Welsh Affairs Select Committee began an investigation into this subject , but it has been brought to a halt by the failure , so far , to reform the committee .
15 In the run-up to the General Election the University Library mounted an exhibition of election posters from bygone eras , including those shown above which date from 1929 , 1906 and 1924 respectively .
16 Is it not clear that at the next general election the public will face a clear choice between lower personal taxes under a Conservative Government or swingeing increased taxes under Labour ?
17 Does the Minister remember that before the last general election the Government promised an increase in public spending of £11.2 billion in the following three years ?
18 All of us who represent Welsh constituencies know that in the general election the Conservatives will lose their seats there .
19 In the weeks following the general election the NLD adopted extremely cautious tactics in their dealings with the military .
20 In the September 1989 general election the People 's United Party ( PUP ) which had been in power from the granting of internal self-government in 1964 until the 1984 general election , narrowly defeated the incumbent United Democratic Party ( UDP ) [ see pp. 36890-91 ] .
21 In the 1990 general election the UMNO candidate in Bayu had won by a majority of 5,774 .
22 Following a general election the first task of the new legislature was to choose the country 's President and Vice-President from amongst its four at-large senators .
23 In the December 1990 general election the Greens had failed to win parliamentary representation [ see pp. 37904-05 ] , but had since then improved their position in state elections in Hesse and the Rhineland-Palatinate .
24 Barbados Labour Party ( BLP , former Foreign Minister Henry Forde l. ) is the right-wing opposition ; the National Democratic Party ( NDP , Richie Haynes l. ) , a splinter group from the DLP formed in 1989 , lost in the 1991 general election the four seats which it had hitherto held .
25 In the September 1989 general election the PUP narrowly defeated the incumbent UDP .
26 In the March 1990 general election the NDC won seven of the 15 seats in the House of Representatives and formed a government with the support of the two members elected for the TNP [ see p. 37314 ] .
27 However , after the general election the new government ended in May Iceland 's boycott of the negotiations , at which it had previously been represented in an observer capacity only .
28 As a result of the Sept. 15 general election the Riksdag was dominated by the centre-right [ see p. 38444 ] .
29 In the general election the Labour Party made sweeping gains , more than doubling its share of the seats in the Dáil at the expense of Fianna Fáil , which won its lowest number of votes since the 1920s , and Fine Gael , which suffered its worst result since 1948 .
30 DURING the 1992 general election the people of the United Kingdom were not given a proper chance to make a decision about the Maastricht Treaty .
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