Example sentences of "yet [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 More than ten years ago Peter Laslett complained that ‘ we can say little yet about the everyday relationship between old people and their grown-up , independent children for any period earlier than recent times . ’
2 ‘ No news yet about the little girl , ’ said the Frenchman correctly identifying Karelius ' area of concern .
3 Notice that we have said nothing yet about the possibility of actually deciding , in a given instance , which of the two mutually exclusive classes the posited existent belongs to .
4 I can confirm to the hon. Gentleman that there have been no serious discussions yet about the location of the European system of central banks .
5 No news as yet about the Villa game , except that leslie silver was a bit pissed off at losing the stlg75,000 ( I hope you see a pound sign as I do , and not ‘ stlg ’ ) that comes with a sky appearance .
6 In particular , no contact has been demonstrated yet between the α-subunit and any part of the promoter and the most upstream contact obtained by a rather indirect crosslinking method lies at -46 , -47 [ 31 ] .
7 Yet between the recognition of a dispute which may end in a trial and its actual arrival before the judge lies a lengthy period of negotiation before or during the operation of the formal pre-trial procedure .
8 The police chief said that the Bombay bombing was a carefully planned , and well-financed operation , but said there was no direct link yet between the arrest and the bombers .
9 Yet off the pitch he has a reputation as a dressing-room joker , an easy-going character who likes his soul and reggae music and has a smile never far from the surface .
10 A bomber , almost certainly , perhaps not yet off the secret lists — it was , after all , flying at an uncommon height . ’
11 Another attractive trip is to Herisau , a picturesque village easily reached by road from St Gallen , yet off the beaten track .
12 Slipped out of the hand quite obviously that , it was n't a deliberate beamer we must add that , that 's went out today , thirty-four , here 's Lawrence , bowls outside the off stump and the new batsman who is not yet off the mark , lets it go through to the wicket keeper .
13 ‘ And I have no water boiled yet for the porridge . ’
14 Yet for the National Government to fight the election as a government , rather than on party lines , was a clear breach of the undertakings which had been made at the time of its formation .
15 Yet for the first time now ,
16 Yet for the moment there is still hope , a desperate hope of a near miss .
17 Mobile mums groups are for mums with ‘ mobile ’ toddlers who need toddler-proof houses but who are maybe not ready yet for the rough and tumble of Open houses .
18 Yet for the early mammalian embryo , it seems that Driesch was correct for there is no polarity laid down in the egg .
19 Yet for the past two years , Zara has had almost inseparable on-court support from coach Michael Ferguson , who she warmly credits for bringing her to her current level .
20 The contracts — $217m for Eteq and $127m for Alaris — are the largest yet for the IBM Charlotte facility , which began contract manufacturing last August .
21 Yet for the greater part Chopin 's elusive essence emerged unscathed from so much inaccuracy and caprice .
22 " Well , Annie-the-Silent , shall we be hearing your dulcet tones at all this night , or is n't it rough enough yet for the storm thrust to sing ? "
23 Yet for the growth of the later strident and vigorous anticlericalism , the self-consciousness of the laity was a prerequisite , and on a national scale it is by no means certain that this lay identity would have come about so forcefully or so quickly had parliament not been ready to hand as a vehicle in which to rally hostility and an instrument by which to further it .
24 Yet for the discourse analyst it may be exactly these transient and variable features which enable us to understand the meaning of what is said , and the reason why the order of sentences proceeds in the way that it does .
25 Rupert hesitated , unwilling to admit that anthropologists did no good , yet for the moment unable to think of a positive example that would convince her .
26 The client has no control over these factors and yet for the duration of the case he will be required to continue to pay the assessed contribution from his invalidity benefit .
27 There is no publicity out yet for the line , but it is said that the 1993 peak season of four trains each way will operate for only five weeks and that at the beginning and end of season there will be no trains on Fridays .
28 Under such circumstances it was normally assumed that , although the Monarch would probably seek advice in order to discover what persons would be acceptable to the party in power , yet for the final choice she alone was morally and constitutionally responsible .
29 Yet for the purposes of future reform , it is important that policy be anchored to some identifiable and acceptable theoretical basis .
30 Lyndon Johnson 's searing complaints against the British have been much quoted , yet for the first year or two the president was not insensitive to the political realities in London .
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