Example sentences of "thing [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This will be the biggest thing to hit the leisure industry since indoor parapenting , and Mild County is fully prepared to meet this demand — right now — with a new range of products .
2 Mr with hindsight yeah , I think you would accept Mr a clearly , clearly is a vital thing to preserve the integrity of good name of to make sure if humanly possible these brochures are accurate and updated as possible , you 'd agree with that ?
3 Go there first thing to see the engines prepared for the daily shift , or watch restoration from our Viewing Gallery .
4 But it is quite another thing to see the truth clearly and wilfully to reject it ; quite another thing to ascribe the power of the Holy Spirit to the devil — which is what the scribes were doing .
5 I conceive it may do well , to put into each glass ( when you pour the liquor into it ) a sprig of Rosemary a little bruised , or a little Limon-peel , or some such thing to quicken the taste ; or use Amber-sugar , or spirit of Cinnamon , or of Lignum-Cassie , or Nutmegs , or Mace , or Cloves , a very little . "
6 In Savoy as elsewhere , it was one thing to issue a decree and another to make it effective .
7 But it is quite another thing to see the truth clearly and wilfully to reject it ; quite another thing to ascribe the power of the Holy Spirit to the devil — which is what the scribes were doing .
8 It was one thing to accept the assumption that the state was the dominant actor , but quite another to agree to how best to explain that unit 's behaviour .
9 It had obviously been touched up , exaggerating the waves in his dark hair , making him look a masher and younger than he was — just the thing to attract the lady patients .
10 What she did n't find out until too late was that it was one thing to jump a gap but quite another to stay put on the landing stone when the surface was wet and slippery .
11 It is one thing to trust a middle-management appointment to an executive search consultant within a small firm ; it is quite another to trust him or her to find a new group chief executive .
12 It is one thing to find a group of ‘ typical teenagers ’ but the ‘ average family ’ can be extraordinarily difficult to put together .
13 It was one thing to lead an alliance of interests and classes for independence , another to run a system consisting of interests and classes in conflict .
14 It is a fine thing to talk the evenings away , when the river work is done , with a mug in your hand .
15 The grounds for arrest It is one thing to identify the crimes for which an arrest is now possible ; it is another to say when such arrests may lawfully take place .
16 ‘ Whitbread is interested in closer links with the continent , and it is a natural thing to suggest a link-up could be a way out of the shareholding problem .
17 It is one thing to win the support of electors by defeating an enemy for the first time ; it is quite another to expect admiration for slaying the same dragon twice .
18 The discussion that Richard and I had , my recommendation was that it was not a big enough thing to cover a separate procedure for .
19 ‘ It 's never a good thing to let the treadmill take you over , ’ he said firmly , examining the end of his line .
20 For it is one thing to deny the significance Marx attaches to alienation as the prime impulse to class struggle ; and quite another to identify it , cleaned of its Hegelian war-paint , as we have identified it already : as the abstraction of one 's working life from a life of one 's own .
21 What a risky thing to leave a horse tied up here , when there are so many wolves and bears in the forest ! "
22 It was one thing to form an intention to compete while employed , but quite another to take active steps to induce other managers to join the competing enterprise and negotiate to deprive the employing company of its best customer .
23 I merely hope that I will not be a Charles talking about the fire cover again for today and er perhaps in future times for the simple reason that it is one thing to make a budget , it is one thing to do a .
24 In February '91 Tony started an essay on Arafat , ‘ I hooked up with him on two different occasions , over the course of a couple months , trying to do a photo-essay on him ; which was probably the most ridiculous thing to do the first time out of the box for a while — talk about a third-rate Keystone kops movie , with me as the star ! ’
25 That 's the that 's the most awkward thing to do the one that most people have most problem with .
26 So the best thing to do the best thing to do listen .
27 But that John Lee , he was always a devil of a thing to put a handle on .
28 thing to put a table mat in and a drawer at the top .
29 It was one thing to ease the Shah passing out of Iran , quite another to accord him fill honours on arrival in the United States .
30 He was the first one to get it through to your grandmother that it would be a good thing to use the forecourt on a Sunday for the sale of second-hand cars . ’
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