Example sentences of "having had a " in BNC.

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1 That will no doubt be done by the press , clearly bored at not having had a good scandal to get its teeth into for all of two months .
2 Mr Healey said that Labour , always having had a majority of men , would have won every election since 1922 if women had n't been given the vote .
3 However , the survey of 3,600 people found that afternoon drinking was still the exception with only 6% of recent drinkers ( those who have had an alcoholic drink in the previous week ) having had a drink in licensed premises between 4pm and 5pm during the previous week .
4 The Prince , of course , had to go and say hello , and disappeared once again , emerging ten minutes later having had a long discussion with the chief brass player .
5 He was also unusual among philologists in having had a price on his head .
6 He had read some of the more discreet passages for the evening audience , having had a last-minute change of plan .
7 To some people this will mean having had a conversion experience and being ‘ saved ’ ; for others it will mean having been baptized into the church .
8 Having had a gruesome storm-tossed journey , his first act on landing was to fulfil his vow to travel barefoot to the nearest shrine in thanksgiving for his delivery ; the rheumatism which resulted was with him for the rest of his life — as was the sourness with which he regarded Scotland .
9 In one of her letters the poet mentions having had a letter from an aunt whom she describes as ‘ sententious ’ [ ML , 2 , 311 ] .
10 Back on board , the senior consultants , having had a council of war , open up with a full frontal attack of heavy verbal artillery , ending with a chilling final volley : ‘ Most of us will be taking samples home for analysis . ’
11 The brick and stone-built cone is sixty feet high , and was saved from demolition in 1962 by excavations which showed its importance as an industrial monument , this area of Yorkshire once having had a thriving glass industry .
12 We had a bachelor party on board , who were out for a little merrymaking : an island marriage ball had wooed them from the desk of the counting-house , and having had a taste of the free air of these parts , and being good fellows well met , a few more days of healthful roving have a gleeful appendix to the gaieties of the wedding .
13 Ryan was just putting the final touches of white emulsion to Tosh 's paws when his father came back , having had a quick break from painting the two-year-old 's room .
14 Second , there is personal experience of homoeopathy through having been treated by a homoeopathic doctor , or through having had a member of the family so treated , and being impressed by the results .
15 Boasting a record of never having had a serious incident or accident in its history , Aurigny is careful about the selection of its pilots , most of whom are mature and experienced aircrew with backgrounds in airline and/or military flying .
16 She came to Queen 's Park about 11 years ago , having had a long association at Findlay Memorial Tabernacle .
17 Having had a small suitcase packed weeks ago , she alerted the maternity wing of the clinic in which she was booked , asked the receptionist downstairs to get her a taxi and took herself off there as if the early arrival of babies was an everyday occurrence in her life .
18 Mr Leslie admits to having had a drink but he says he was by no means ‘ under the influence ’ .
19 Rather than creative individuals being taken as the starting-point , the individuals targeted initially were people who had been diagnosed as having had a mental illness , either a severe ( manic-depressive ) form of affective disorder or the milder , but aetiologically related , mood swings of ‘ cyclothymia ’ .
20 Apparently his papa loathes hospitals and doctors , having had a bellyful before he had to leave the Army , and since then has flatly refused to discuss his back .
21 In other words , having had a previous similar sensation is a logically necessary condition of my apprehending a sensation of white as such , on Mill 's version of the resemblance doctrine .
22 The US has a greater experience , having had a Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf ( RID ) since 1964 , and now has a widespread network of interpreting provision .
23 As Engels puts it , despite having had a product for nearly two years , Cognos is still at the ‘ toe in the water ’ stage with the AS/400 market .
24 He also pointed out in the report that the excavation produced a disproportionate number of cosmetic articles , although the significance of this evidence is not clear ; the case for the site having had a religious function is strengthened by a consideration of the other buildings .
25 Family health services authority professional advisers will be keen to see that the system is not bypassed by hospital consultants who , having had a request to use a product turned down , ask general practitioners to initiate the prescription .
26 The Education Department also moved quickly from November 1983 , having had a particularly bumpy ride at the hands of the media .
27 Ian and Barbara meet — the latter having had a difficult time avoiding Nero 's amorous advances — and with the help of Tavius ( who is a Christian ) , they manage to escape from the city .
28 For example , in 1851 just after the railway came , Macclesfield was larger than Coventry , Halifax or York , having had a 160 per cent increase in population in the previous forty years .
29 If you have to do a major shop without having had a meal , eat one of your snacks first .
30 And then we 'll carry on er having had a stop and a little chat about different things , we then carry on , and if there are sort of some areas in the drive which we think might sort of erm Come in chaps .
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