Example sentences of "though she 'd " in BNC.

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1 Quite suddenly she felt a generous relief , as though she 'd given science and herself new hope of heaven , and set out through the gathering dark , home , home across the dragon-haunted park .
2 Dot did n't know what a banana tasted like , though she 'd heard Mrs Parvis talk about them often enough .
3 Now that she was back in one , it felt as though she 'd never been outside .
4 She took you for granted , as though she 'd always known you , that was really what it was .
5 It sounded as though she 'd left it on a bus or something .
6 Now he straightened up , but continued to act as if she did n't exist , though she 'd been forced to move as he moved .
7 Jess asked , though she 'd noticed the questions seemed to be driving him like a snail into his shell .
8 Yes , she 'd repeated those same words the Cap'n had spoken on board the brig , though she 'd no notion what he meant .
9 The iron grey , Tero , got by because her coat was almost black , but Maldita was so dazzlingly white , except for a sprinkling of rust-brown freckles on her belly , that she looked as though she 'd been through the car wash .
10 Within a few days she had recovered enough to play practice chukkas , going straight into fast polo as though she 'd played it all her life .
11 Though she 'd never worked in insurance , her potential employers thought her smiling manner and evident efficiency would equip her well for the task , particularly as she appeared a quick learner , and did well in the practical assignment they gave her during the period of the interview itself .
12 Judith had once confided that she too had an uncertain grasp of the past , though she 'd been drunk at the time , and had denied it vehemently when he 'd raised the subject again .
13 Though she 'd heard that victims of attack often suffered from delayed repercussions — depression and sleeplessness amongst them — neither had struck her yet .
14 Jezrael spun , feeling as though she 'd been caught out .
15 Eye to the crack in the door , Jezrael saw the girl 's own guilt palm the cuber as though she 'd been watching the security scanner all along .
16 Even though she 'd been dead for so long it could sometimes seem that she was still with him , a presence in the next room , someone on the other side of a door who waited and listened but who never stepped through , except when he dreamed .
17 Even though she 'd told herself that she was n't going to have any thoughts or feelings on the subject at all , the sight of Alina looking so good made Diane feel just a little bit sick .
18 Even though she 'd stopped to hand out the suits , she was still first into hers .
19 Today her nose and cheeks showed red under the powder , and her one good eye was red-rimmed , as though she 'd been crying .
20 I 'd tried to keep my voice light , coaxing , but she studied me coolly as though she 'd picked up my unspoken reservations and would not forget them .
21 There was a sort of thirstiness about Julia 's immersion in the conversation , as though she 'd been parched for a long time .
22 That crunch had sounded as though she 'd ripped the door off !
23 She was immediately recognisable , though she 'd had the scarf on as she sped past me the only other time I 'd seen her .
24 It did n't smell like something the colonel would use , so she guessed it was Leo 's , and for some silly reason that made her feel vulnerable , as though she 'd lost her identity .
25 Feeling stupidly embarrassed , as though she 'd been caught doing something she should n't , she looked jerkily away .
26 Reaching for a cup , her arm accidentally brushed his and she flinched as though she 'd been burned , which brought forth another acid comment .
27 He 'd raised his arms in a gesture of possession , and , even though she 'd known it was all part of a beautifully sculpted drama , Shannon had felt a thrill deep inside , as though she too were part of the kingdom the Viking had taken for his own .
28 Even though she 'd expected it , that smile twisted in Shannon 's heart like a dagger .
29 Suddenly a low , mocking laugh rang out in the corridor , and she jumped as though she 'd been shot , her heart racing as she looked round into scornful green eyes .
30 It was a dress she 'd bought at Kelly 's urging , even though she 'd been positive she 'd never find occasion to wear it .
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