Example sentences of "taken off the " in BNC.

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1 Those may or may not lead to training or jobs but once a person registers for an interview they are taken off the jobless total .
2 It was meant to allow the driver the freedom to use his left foot for braking but the system was taken off the car at the end of the first practice session in its first race , the South African Grand Prix .
3 However , they were later taken off the case and transferred to other duties .
4 Television showman taken off the air in Brazil election race .
5 He was taken off the CIA payroll .
6 Archbishop Silvestre Scandian said : ‘ The state police should be taken off the case , because Father Gabriel made a statement to the Justice and Peace Commission mentioning a police officer as one of those who had made death threats against him . ’
7 Even popular television war comedies were taken off the air , for fear of jarring too awkwardly with endless hours of Gulf coverage .
8 In 1984 we had ended the opticians ' monopoly and taken off the ridiculous restrictions on advertising which prevented the public from shopping around for the best value .
9 The wood is taken off the ass , and laid on Isaac .
10 In addition , the pace of wage reduction fell and only one-eighth of the amount was taken off the weekly wage bill between 1930–3 as was taken from the net weekly wage bill for 192 1.47 Also , there was little to suggest that the pattern and the style of industrial relations was greatly altered by the General Strike : the number of workers on strike and the number of days of work lost were already declining well before 1926 and there was a rise of industrial militancy in the late 1920s and early 1930s as unions attempted to resist the further wage cuts being advocated by employers .
11 If a party wins two constituency seats , but on the overall vote should have five , three candidates are taken off the list .
12 If only such projects could be taken off the government 's books and handed over to the private sector , to get on with them .
13 Trams , however , were taken off the streets of London , in 1935 , and were replaced by trolley-buses — vehicles able to run on electric power by having two arms stretching above their roof to make contact with a pair of overhead cables , instead of the single arm of the tram and the metal rails set in the carriageway of the road along which their route was arranged .
14 I did not think to emulate Mr Gladstone , who is reputed to have put tea in a stone ‘ pig ’ and then drunk it after the chill had been taken off the sheets .
15 I think you ought to get her taken off the scheme . ’
16 She had not taken off the headdress .
17 He was taken off the ventilator , although he still had the tracheostomy and a catheter for his urine .
18 Additionally , there would be various piles of books taken off the shelves and marked for action of one kind or another .
19 This will usually show the sum to be deducted from the invoice for the goods in question ( ie how much will be taken off the retailer 's bill ) .
20 Galecron ( the brand name for the formulation , chlordimeform ) was widely used as a pesticide before it was taken off the market briefly in 1976 after it was found to increase tumours in mice .
21 Harwell 's difficulties in handling polonium were again encountered at Windscale ; alpha contamination became severe and several of the operational staff had to be temporarily taken off the work because of polonium ingestion . ’
22 Jean Campbell , in 1817 , was an uneducated deaf person without any speech who could only write the initials of her name in reverse order , eg. C.J. She was an unmarried woman who had three children by different men , one of whom at the time of her arrest in April 1817 had been living with her as a common law husband but who had a few days earlier taken off the ring that he had given to her and which she wore on her finger in the fashion of a married woman , and had left home .
23 Medical reports exist that show a woman being taken off the pill by her doctor after complaining of a rattling in her chest whenever she coughed .
24 The body is fashionably square-edged , but includes a big waist-cut , an arm chamfer and a reduced-depth heel , with a tapering neck-plate to allow for an extra triangular slice to be taken off the heel in the interests of upper-fret access .
25 This is ideal for draining vegetables once they 've been taken off the hob .
26 Jonathan Aitken has been taken off the back benches and made minister of state for defence , in the hope that he can continue to rally the Euro-sceptics as he did over Maastricht .
27 Only after three months unclaimed would a package be taken off the shelves and opened , for disposal if it could not be identified .
28 The action could have resulted in Sindy dolls being taken off the shelves , as they were in France when a local court decided Sindy had violated copyright .
29 The ten K type buses were taken off the road one by one from 1 January 1928 .
30 There was no doubt that maintaining several hundred Australians on Timor was now counter-productive ; and in December the 2/2 Independent Company were taken off the island , after nearly 11 months of constant movement , if not always in action .
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