Example sentences of "made a mental " in BNC.

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1 The manager paused and Wexford made a mental note to find out whether any lorries had been hi-jacked on Hatton 's A1 route during the penultimate week of May .
2 She made a mental note to listen more attentively to her lessons in biology and in Marxism , and then , to divert Omi from the views she was expressing , Erika said : ‘ Uncle Karl will be back soon , Omi .
3 I made a mental note to seek revenge at the earliest opportunity .
4 Elisa made a mental note to return soon and thank the fishmonger for his care and attention .
5 As he quickly washed off Friday night 's mud , he made a mental note not to take it out on the machine next time he got drunk .
6 He made a mental note not to be too enthusiastic in front of Selwyn .
7 Once outside in the fresh air he felt marvellous and made a mental note to attend the Turkish baths regularly .
8 Montgomery made a mental note of this small display of the pedantic .
9 Turning again , Manville made a mental note of the cab 's licence number , more out of habit than anything else .
10 I made a mental effort to visualise his new house , to create some mind picture , but gave up after a few seconds .
11 Frowning , she made a mental note to ask his address , though where a man lived was not important .
12 Anna made a mental note to go in that evening and wish them well :
13 Martin watched the child flick it gently away and made a mental note to see the landlord about getting the house stoved .
14 He looked at his brother 's open face , and made a mental note to tell his mother what was going down with him .
15 Sarah made a mental note to go and see Janine .
16 He made a mental note to have Maura Ryan checked out .
17 I made a mental note not to suggest a dirty weekend away somewhere — well , not yet , anyway .
18 Indeed when the time came to leave Germany I made a mental decision never to return .
19 He made a mental note of the number of coaches and freight cars .
20 An off night , I assured him , as we re-traced our twenty-mile drive to Palm Beach , where Robin wrapped himself in a blanket in front of the TV , soothing his cold turkey by watching videos of the local comedians , while I made a mental note to move my life and family to a flat above 42nd Street .
21 He made a mental note to call her and arrange a time to meet , away from her parents .
22 I made a mental note that I must n't say anything to annoy my prim secretary , at least until after she 'd agreed to help with the business the next evening .
23 It felt like bad acting and he made a mental note .
24 Those who spoke ill of him would find it difficult to continue such activity without a jaw to move , he considered , and made a mental note to put one of the Secte Rouge in charge of security .
25 ‘ Do n't think rubbish , ’ she muttered to herself , and made a mental note to castigate Ace for bringing the anachronistic device along .
26 Although she was asleep , I whispered , I forgive you , and made a mental note to be more professional in the future .
27 She made a mental note to rifle her deposit account to buy a new one .
28 The sergeant made a mental note never to come to this pub again .
29 He re-directed it to the sales department and made a mental note to have a word with the post room ; it was about time that they got their act together .
30 He made a mental note to check on what the builder had been up to .
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