Example sentences of "do a lot " in BNC.

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1 When eavesdropping ( a vicarious ghost-life he goes in for ) , he hears Raskolnikov tell Sonya about the crime , and later , without openly referring to it , the potential suicide twits the actual murderer : Sell , you can certainly do a lot . ’
2 One recalls Svidrigailov and Raskolnikov , the potential suicide twitting the actual murderer with ‘ well , you can certainly do a lot ’ .
3 In any case , 100 Welsh players having the opportunity to take on the world champions and learn from them will do a lot of good for Welsh rugby . ’
4 It was fabulous because King Crimson had such a tremendous sound and such a tremendous image that for them to suddenly stand up and do a lot of Buddy Holly hits with Donovan singing vocals was really cute .
5 Nor do they do a lot for me as erogenous zones .
6 I worked out of town but did n't do a lot else .
7 He can get away with his accent but he could do a lot to improve his tone .
8 He said : ‘ This is a time when I can do a lot for my ranking .
9 You can still do a lot , but you 'll need a different approach .
10 If you want a career that ensures that you will not be bored , will be stretched to your full capacity every day and allows you to be yourself , as well as earn a good salary at a general manager level — £30,000 a year — you could do a lot worse than the hotel and catering industry .
11 ‘ Do you do a lot of newspaper reading , or are you more a weekend reader ? ’
12 For example , if we were to enforce so-called free-range systems for laying hens that increased the incidence of death , infectious disease , aggression , pain and fear , it might make us feel fairly good , but it would not do a lot of good for the hens .
13 I remember before he became Prime Minister he was in charge of the Conservative re-think where I helped him do a lot of that work and I think he enjoyed that very much .
14 Fortunately parents can do a lot to tone down the aggressive behaviour .
15 Apart from special care with hygiene ( use non-medicated and unperfumed soap and avoid toiletries such as bath oils and bubble baths ) you can do a lot to prevent cystitis by wearing cotton pants and loose rather than tight-fitting trousers .
16 Muscles with a high proportion of light-coloured fibres can do a lot of work in a very short period .
17 According to representatives at the conference from China , developing countries can often do a lot themselves to advance in space technology .
18 But if some should be in food , the maintenance of a cold temperature can do a lot to minimise growth and thereafter the risk of food poisoning The Food Hygiene ( Amendment ) Regulations 1990 requires that , from 1 April 1993 , most short life food must be kept at 5°C or colder after manufacture and throughout distribution and display .
19 If fast-food take-aways want to find their best prospects they can do a lot worse than identify areas which have a high proportion of ‘ households sharing access to a bath ’ .
20 No , maybe not at high speed , but at twenty-five , thirty miles an hour the Canadian can do a lot of damage .
21 She could do a lot worse — 'e 's a good , steady man and 'e 's not given ti strong drink . ’
22 ‘ There is a slight problem there , although with Barry Gibb we would do a lot of the playing live .
23 I putted nicely today and I think I can do a lot better over the next three days . ’
24 Although the VC7000 's £7,500 price tag will do a lot to increase the appeal of videoconferencing and videotelephony generally , it will still take huge reductions in price to give videotelephony truly widespread appeal .
25 But we can all do a lot to prevent it .
26 Big , slow-paying debts and big bad debts can do a lot more harm to your business than a whole ledger of little ones .
27 You can buy oval frames made from plastic , but they are usually not very well finished and will not do a lot to improve your design , or wood , which in my opinion is always worth paying a little extra for .
28 ‘ In fact , using these drinks would do a lot of damage . ’
29 ‘ People who say a lot do n't normally do a lot .
30 I have always wanted to do this as I love my hair and can do a lot with it .
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