Example sentences of "given a particular " in BNC.

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1 Although this kind of shift was common to many local Labour Parties , and has been characterized as the rise of the ‘ new urban left ’ ( Gyford , 1985b ) , in Sheffield it was given a particular twist by the nature of the local economy and society .
2 Given a particular post-operative patient in the recovery phase , draw up and execute a plan of nursing care for the first twenty-four hours .
3 Given a particular failure , the method enables us to identify the various combinations and sequences of other failures that could lead to that failure .
4 In chapter 3 I shall discuss more fully the question of how far these demographic structures do affect the nature of family obligations , at any given point in historical time , considering in particular how far demographic factors in the late twentieth century have given a particular shape to kin groups .
5 Fabrics are not always given a particular name but are often referred to just by the fibre content , e.g. , cotton or polyester print .
6 Subjects are given a particular word — let us say the word lead — and then they listen to a pair of sentences and press a button as soon as they hear the target word .
7 The first is where the Act is silent or ambiguous on any given point and the second is where the court in a decided case has given a particular interpretation to a section of the Act ( or to the same section in the original Act of 1893 ) .
8 Accommodation is a significant driving factor in the process of new dialect formation as described by Trudgill ( 1986 ) , but it is more easily studied at the level of individuals who adjust their language behaviour given a particular set of circumstances .
9 And were you given a particular role for this operation ?
10 Were you given a particular task or role in this job ?
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