Example sentences of "given [art] task " in BNC.

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1 It was also noted that Wolfgang Vogel , the lawyer to whom Mr Honecker had given the task of solving the refugee problem , had had his mandate drastically cut back .
2 Ironically , fate intervened and he never did make that his career , which is probably just as well , since when he was given the task many years later of steering British Aerospace into the private sector he crossed swords with more than a few civil servants and did n't have a lot of time for them .
3 Abdul Haq , a mujahedin commander , has recently been given the task of bringing peace and security in the areas liberated from government control .
4 Mr Komarek became the director of a new research body , the Institute of Forecasting , given the task of advising on long-term development strategy .
5 By the end of the year , Mrs Thatcher was in the chair of a new cabinet committee , Misc. 141 , which had been given the task of preparing for the fast-approaching day when limits would be set on greenhouse gas emissions .
6 Officials of the Bonn government and the Treuhandanstalt , the Berlin-based agency given the task of privatising thousands of state-owned firms , are keen that non-German companies move into eastern Germany too .
7 Mr Lamont has been given the task of piloting the economy out of recession .
8 One of his great scholars , Paul the Deacon , was given the task of preparing a new lectionary ( list of lessons for reading ) , drawn from the best selected texts .
9 This leads to a neglect of conservation management … the soil conservation expert is thus requested to propose technical and educational solutions to socio-political problems , whilst the sociologist is given the task of obtaining the approval of the population for measures taken without its advice and real consent .
10 Mackay had no love for the Jacobite cause and in spite of his defeat at the Battle of Killiecrankie , he was given the task of subduing the Highlands , where he built the fort at the head of Loch Linnhe which became known as Fort William .
11 The DoE , through Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution ( HMIP ) , was given the task of co-ordinating a national response plan , installing the radiation monitoring network and acting as lead government department in an emergency ( HMSO 1988 ) .
12 The Location of Offices Bureau , which for many years had been attempting to move commercial development out of London , was given the task of promoting office employment within the cities , including London itself .
13 The Scottish Development Agency ( SDA ) , which had been given the task of co-ordinating the various bodies involved , was not over enthusiastic about the project ( Morison , 1987 ) .
14 Whilst my sisters wiped up , from an early age I was given the task of transporting the clean china and utensils from the lid of the copper ( there was no draining board ) to the kitchen table for one of the adults to put away .
15 Where this is not so , individuals or groups can be given the task of reviewing a particular area .
16 But obviously we know that interviewers simply given the task of producing say 20 interviews might choose only women of a fairly young age-group and we know this is not representative of the population .
17 Mr Heseltine has been given the task of selling the government 's strategy on nuclear weapons .
18 Sunday was bath-night , so my big sister Etty would be given the task of looking for my younger brother Jerry , Anna , the youngest of our family , and myself .
19 Given the task of reviving urban policy at low cost , Kemp is considering such Thatcherite innovations as housing vouchers , tenant management and tenant purchase of public housing .
20 Ideally someone in the ferreting party will be given the task of removing each rabbit as soon as it is caught up .
21 Blaina always felt that they had the ability to go up last season so , to ensure that they do not miss out a second time , a new team manager was recruited and given the task of harnessing the club 's talent .
22 And Cross will be given the task of marking Plymouth 's record signing Paul Dalton today .
23 The bodies given the task of recovering some of the lost money , most notably the Resolution Trust Corporation and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation , made it clear more than a year ago that the thrifts ' auditors and advisers would be first in the firing line leading many accountants to accuse the government of targeting them as ‘ deep pockets ’ .
24 Silverstein was given the task of approaching Douglas in an effort to entice him into accepting the part .
25 Because of their brevity , Japanese 36 CREATIVE WRITING students of poetry and religion are given the task of reading and writing haiku .
26 For example , a well-ordered lady who had always prepared her husband 's evening meal , was given the task of laying ( and relaying ) the tea tables to help with her restlessness at that time of day ( Marshall , 1988 ) .
27 The Austrian First Army ( General Dankl ) was given the task of reaching Lublin and Cholm .
28 Established in 1963 it was given the task of finding ways to review and reform the curriculum by encouraging change within the schools themselves .
29 The management team of the North East District , said to be ‘ general management oriented before general management ’ , was given the task of considering the details of closure and the strategy for transfer of patients .
30 The Joint Planning Advisory Committee ( JPAC ) was given the task of setting and reviewing quotas for all specialties .
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