Example sentences of "took a job " in BNC.

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1 A girl I was seeing pretty regularly had gone to France on an exchange visit to Tours I took a job for a couple of weeks in a lino warehouse with the idea of getting some money together
2 ‘ So you took a job in Germany ? ’
3 In 1989 , in a state with average AFDC payments , a single woman with two children who took a job at the minimum wage ( then $3.35 an hour ) would earn a paltry $33 more each month than if she did not work at all and stayed on welfare .
4 By now he was married and needed to earn a living so , after leaving Vigneau , he took a job at the Renault factory in Billancourt .
5 When he went off to the war in 1914 she took a job as an usherette in an effort to get as near as possible to the warmth of the theatre and away from the coldness of his family .
6 Then he took a job with an American firm that sold time on its computers to outsiders .
7 To occupy the intervening months she took a job in a hospital .
8 My Mom took a job as a nursing orderly in a mental hospital where sleeping pills and tranquillisers were easily obtainable .
9 Her marriage had continued to slide downhill until eventually , after being evicted from the house , she divorced my stepfather for persistent cruelty , and took a job as the live-in caretaker of a seedy block of flats .
10 He was a student at the teacher 's training college where my mother , in her thirty-sixth year , took a job as a lecturer .
11 To combine research for the film with earning money , he took a job at Ford 's Langley plant near Heathrow as a production-line worker in the body trim shop .
12 One CSE Grade 1 is all he could muster from school , so , fired by the grim prospect of a factory job , he went to a college of further education where he gained four ‘ O ’ levels after a year and then took a job at a wholesale jewellers , where they were n't too optimistic about his chances of promotion .
13 Instead , she took a job as a maid — the subject of her first book , One Pair of Hands .
14 Then Basil soon took a job in a rather unorthodox school , Bembridge , in the Isle of Wight .
15 She had always been interested in beauty culture and hair-styling , so she took a job with a small hairdressing parlour in Stepney to learn the tricks of the trade and when she felt she knew enough , gave in her notice and advertised her services : Lady clients visited in the comfort and privacy of their own homes .
16 I took a job at a place where they did greeting cards .
17 In 1881 he took a job at Hale Farm Nurseries ; then , not long after , in order to start experimenting with his ideas on design , accepted a partnership with a firm of contractors .
18 In 1938 Lewis took a job in a Welsh secondary school , but could see the shadow of war approaching and worried over the problem of pacifism : ‘ I have a deep sort of fatalist feeling that I 'll go .
19 He took a job selling vacuum cleaners , an experience used in his novel Of Love and Hunger ( 1947 ) , afterwards becoming unemployed .
20 The women were released and Martha Simmonds took a job as nurse to Oliver Cromwell 's sister , by which means she secured Nayler 's release .
21 After learning to fly she took a job as a pilot with a small commuter airline based in Humberside .
22 One of Crawford 's most terrifying stunts came when Frank took a job as a motorcycle courier .
23 After the war he took a job with the Midland Bank Executor & Trustee Company .
24 When she got bored she looked further afield , and took a job with Universal Aunts as an ‘ au pair ’ in Switzerland .
25 Yes erm because I doubt it , erm at the moment with the fund that we 're talking about the erm the close scheme , because most of these people in B T were originally erm in the Post Office , and of course when the they split erm then the erm Post Office workers went over to B T , they get a B T pension but in actual fact they paid into a pension scheme erm for many of them for forty years because they come into that age group , where so many people , you took a job when you were twenty o or or sixteen and you stayed with it for life , you did n't chop and change like people do these days and the majority of our members erm we can go down and I would say the vast majority of our members have actually worked for the Post Office or starting with the Post Office and then B T or staying with the Post Office for forty years , there 's no end of them they 've got in there forty years service .
26 ‘ That you took a job in the ski-shop at Soldeu because you were ‘ resting ’ , as you people call it when you 're out of work — ’
27 The ‘ fatal attraction ’ started when Faye took a job at the hotel during the summer season .
28 ‘ I took a job working on the roads at Knaresborough , ’ he recalls , laughing again .
29 Jack Robinson took a job with Starling and Allen when he was 16 years old .
30 When Ms Kennedy took a job as a barmaid in London , stories began circulating about her madcap lifestyle .
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