Example sentences of "took ten [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It took ten minutes of brisk walking to get my blood flowing again , my consciousness slowly returning from a journey beyond my body .
2 In the end it took ten minutes to get the Cambridgeshire police Land Rover turned past McLeish 's squad and their vans , and away back up to the stable .
3 It took ten minutes to reach Honey Cottage , with Yanto trying his best to scare the pants off Mary .
4 After this , the job itself took ten minutes !
5 Once a week , Aunt Margaret defied the banging , popping , gangrenous , gas-flaring monster of the bathroom geyser all for Victoria 's sake , to give her a bath in three inches of snot-green , brackish , warmish water , which took ten minutes to trickle from the geyser 's brutish snout into the tub .
6 ‘ It took ten minutes to film and I was actually on TV for about six seconds .
7 Mr Jones , who was accompanied sub-officer James Gibson , said it took ten minutes to complete the rescue operation .
8 He took a couple of I 've just remembered this erm , he took ten pounds to you know the museum or somewhere .
9 The burst took ten seconds because a dying star 's core is so dense that even neutrinos bang into things on their way out .
10 Users are finally coming round to the idea that applications are more important than the platform , he says , citing the UK supermarket chain , Sainsbury 's , which took ten months to decide that it would move to Unix , choosing its software before inviting companies to bid for the hardware contract .
11 Throughout the formulation of the policy , which took ten months , pressure continued for the bank to continue its support of logging projects on the grounds that managed logging was better than indiscriminate clearance .
12 He twice took ten wickets in an innings , and his analysis of ten wickets for ten runs against Nottinghamshire in 1932 , including the hat trick , remained a world record .
13 Unveiled : the jigsaw that took ten years
14 She dedicated her song to all the boys who had really regretted doing it , all the men who have ever said , naming no names , it took ten years of my life , and now I can truly say that I never want to even talk to him again , never to see him .
15 It took ten years of experiments in the Soviet Union to find the definitive evidence and so confirm Vesman 's resonance theory .
16 IT TOOK ten years to get this thundering , pyrotechnical ode to the mayhem and pointlessness of the Vietnam war off the ground .
17 The reason is not that I now disagree with the stance I took ten years ago , but that in this past decade my own understanding of the work of the Holy Spirit in the individual and in the Church has greatly developed , and the whole charismatic or renewal movement , then comparatively young , has matured enormously within the life of the Church at large .
18 Yet it took ten years for the pope to arrive at the point he had desired in 1199 , where he could treat the parties as equals , the one and the other , alterum et alterum as he says , and make his decision in Rome .
19 While it took ten years for them to move against her , after only 12 months they have him in their sights .
20 While it took ten years for them to move against her , after only 12 months they have him in their sights .
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