Example sentences of "took another step " in BNC.

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1 Fritz took another step forward and almost fell over his feet .
2 He took another step .
3 He took another step .
4 FRANCE last week took another step away from its tradition of keeping money in old socks under the mattress .
5 It took another step down .
6 In 1934 the British members of the NATPS took another step along this road when , after talking with officials of America 's National Association of Creditmen , they planned to form an ‘ Institute of Creditmen ’ , a body of individuals , which came into being in April 1939 based in London but with local societies all over Britain .
7 He took another step backwards and stared at her for a long moment before saying , ‘ This is the last time I 'll ever look on you willingly . ’
8 FALLEN hero Alex ‘ Hurricane ’ Higgins took another step on the comeback trail last night when he beat Canadian Kirk Stephens 10-5 to keep alive his dream of a return to the Crucible .
9 Then she took another step forward , ‘ What would you say were your political views ? ’
10 Sam took another step .
11 He took another step then shook his head .
12 Lightning flared and flickered beyond the shattered windows and Rohmer took another step forwards , as if he wanted to join it .
13 Pascoe took another step forward .
14 Jelka took another step , her whole body trembling with the anger she felt .
15 He took another step forward , and with his right hand made as though to hit Mr Smith 's desk .
16 She took another step forward , and saw the few personal items she had brought with her lying on the floor .
17 Grimma took another step forward and caught it a backward thump across the muzzle .
18 Rex took another step backwards and found to his unhappiness that he had backed himself neatly into a well-barred shop doorway .
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