Example sentences of "took [art] opportunity " in BNC.

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1 During the week the BBC took the opportunity to broadcast part of another pre-recorded interview on Radio 4 's ‘ File on 4 ’ , while Capital Radio broadcast a four-part feature on AIDS , again including a ‘ canned ’ interview with Patrick .
2 Unfortunately insufficient members turned up to achieve a quorum , but ex-chairman , Robin Brookes , took the opportunity to state that the guild could not continue to be run on a rotation of volunteers .
3 More passengers have of course benefitted from the electrification of the Oxted and East Grinstead lines , although railway euphoria was possibly dampened by the Minister of Transport who on 30 September took the opportunity of rejecting further recommendations by the Monopoly Commission that increased investment was necessary to provide a satisfactory quality of service on NSE .
4 One is at the end of Gaudier-Brzeska ( 1916 ) ; another is in a Criterion article of 1937 , ‘ D'Artagnan Twenty Years After ’ ; in that year appeared Polite Essays , which includes Pound 's review of Binyon 's translation of the Inferno ( originally in The Criterion for April 1934 ) ; there are two tributes to Binyon in Guide to Kulchur ( 1938 ) ; in 1948 at St Elizabeth 's Pound was still pressing Binyon on the attention of Charles Olson ; and as late as 1958 he took the opportunity of Pavannes and Divagations to get back into print his appreciative note on The Flight of the Dragon .
5 The tackling of Selkirk 's back row/midfield triangle was a revelation and Graham Marshall took the opportunity to issue a reminder with Scotland 's team to face Fiji being named in midweek .
6 As the Americans hoped to obtain substantial rights in the Middle East , the British took the opportunity to use their influence in those countries and warn the governments about what wide American penetration of their air services would mean .
7 We took the opportunity to drive the outgoing model while we had the new one and were left in no doubt about which was the driver 's car .
8 Once in the hides , sentries had been posted to protect the company positions , and many of the men took the opportunity to get some rest , if only for a few minutes .
9 The Chancellor also took the opportunity to nuance his support for German reunification in ways which will reassure those fearful that precipitate moves to unification might unsettle the Soviet Union and threaten the improvement in East-West relations .
10 President Mitterrand took the opportunity of his visit to President Gorbachev in Kiev this week to spell out his insistence on the inviolability of Germany 's frontiers with its eastern neighbours and emphasise East German democratisation rather than German reunification .
11 WHEN delegates of the Whitbread Merit Table clubs took time off from their deliberations over leagues last week to enjoy a day out at the University Match , they took the opportunity to complain to Cardiff about the legions of players who have made the journey to the Arms Park in recent months .
12 When Mr Walesa was in Washington last week , George Bush took the opportunity to forgive an additional $800m of Poland 's debt to America ( it has now forgiven 70% of it ) .
13 They also took the opportunity to fit a Packman to one side of the sprayer to end the chore of filling the sprayer manually for ever .
14 Czechoslovakian maker Zetor took the opportunity at the Highland Show to launch its 9540 .
15 After visiting a geothermal heating plant , he took the opportunity of a walkabout in the shopping centre to mock Mr Major 's use of a soapbox .
16 All but six Cabinet ministers were moved or replaced as Mr Major took the opportunity provided by winning his own mandate to give his senior team a personal stamp .
17 After a week in the country , Baxter 's health greatly improved and so he took the opportunity to preach in some of the needy country churches in Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire .
18 Leslie took the opportunity to visit Carthage : ‘ There is literally nothing there , ’ he wrote , ‘ but I felt the atmosphere — or maybe I imagined I did . ’
19 ( 15 October 1777 ) Mozart took the opportunity of trying out one of the new pianofortes by the Augsburg maker Johann Andreas Stein .
20 The Queen ‘ took the opportunity of urging peace ( mutually on the side of France and Prussia ) and no arming , laying all the blame on Prussia ’ .
21 In 1990 they took the opportunity to rebuild them as well as allocating extra money to services such as education in the wake of legislative changes .
22 On seeing my person , he took the opportunity to inform me that he had just that moment finalized plans to return to the United States for a period of five weeks between August and September .
23 Ray took the opportunity to put his arm about his wife , and to shepherd her and the panting Harrison to the door .
24 He took the opportunity of Sir Burke Trend 's retirement in 1973 to hack it down .
25 He took the opportunity of his first book after leaving No. 10 to state , ‘ I was not exaggerating when I called the 1974 Cabinet the most experienced and talented Cabinet this century , transcending even the Campbell-Bannerman Administration of 1905 . ’
26 She took the opportunity despite the fact that many of her colleagues let her know that they judged her disloyal .
27 We took the opportunity to perform a postmortem on one of them , a 5 ½ m male .
28 Four laps later , Senna took the opportunity to close right up .
29 The local society later took the opportunity to build the new deaf centre on the bombed site .
30 An alien terrorist organisation called Gamma 693 took the opportunity to inflict damage on the Terran empire , sending space mines and debris to prevent him reaching the afflicted planet .
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