Example sentences of "took [art] view " in BNC.

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1 Proust took the view that writers should be judged by their works alone , rather than be interpreted through biography .
2 Max Friedlander , an outstanding scholar of Northern European art , took the view that accepting a work into an artist 's oeuvre was like recognising a friend , not a matter of measurement or detailed scrutiny .
3 With deference to the Divisional Court and without considering whether its decision could be supported on alternative grounds , his Lordship took the view that the Divisional Court 's judgment went too far and did not support the conclusion it reached .
4 Ferranti 's senior management was extremely unhappy about the arrangements , but at that stage took the view that they amounted merely to a credit risk rather than a fraud .
5 The government also took the view that the law had a role to play in redressing the balance in bargaining between employers and unions .
6 On the contrary ; he took the view that a continuation of the National Government was in the best interests of the country .
7 But as far as Great Britain Ltd was concerned and building a food industry that would have a major part to play in China and Brazil and other developing countries , I was sorry the shareholders took the view that they did .
8 ‘ We took the view in the press that hotel and leisure property prices were too high and therefore were cautious about investment . ’
9 As the picture shows , Mrs Perdigao ( right , with the wife of President Mario Soares , left , at the prize-winning ceremony ) took the view that turning up is the key to victory .
10 More people than ever wanted to live there rather than in towns and 79 per cent took the view that the countryside was in danger .
11 Recent extremes of weather had given ‘ speculations ’ credibility with the public , but the Meteorological Office scientists took the view that the variations in weather were compatible with established climate patterns .
12 The Transport ( formerly Energy ) Secretary Cecil Parkinson took the view that cars were not going to go away and discouraging ownership would be ‘ very , very unpopular ’ .
13 If the market took the view that the Government 's determination to control public spending was weakening , then we would see the pound fall and inflation increase .
14 I took the view that the Cabinet and the Prime Minister should know my position .
15 On Merseyside , the plant had split into two factions over the strike ; those who supported Clasper in his demand that the strike be continued until the sacked shop steward had been reinstated , and those who took the view that Clasper was playing power politics with their jobs at stake .
16 In England the Criminal Law Revision Committee took the view that it is not , and therefore supported the division between fundamental deceptions ( as to identity or the nature of the act ) and lesser deceptions , placing the latter within the less serious category of procuring sex by deception .
17 The Criminal Law Revision Committee took the view that , if the law did try to restrict the offence in this way , it would inevitably legalize some cases which should remain contrary to the law .
18 Logic suggests that 16 should be the age of consent for this conduct , too , but the CLRC took the view that young men of 16 and 17 need protection from this kind of behaviour , whereas they do not from other kinds of sexual contact .
19 And if there had been a degree of sympathy with the other defeated peoples — a doubtful claim , it has to be said , particularly with regard to the Poles — in this case ‘ the entire population took the view that England should at all costs be destroyed ’ .
20 Others even took the view that the Party was deliberately exploiting the situation , with the Führer away at the Front leading the struggle against Bolshevism , to destroy the basis of Christianity at home ‘ behind his back ’ .
21 Many spoke with respect and admiration for the soldiers of the 6th Army , but took the view that the losses suffered had been in vain .
22 Some people in Würzburg saw the raid as revenge for the pogrom against the Jews in November 1938 , and ‘ intellectual circles ’ reportedly took the view that Germany ‘ should stop the war , if one was not in a position really to prevent attacks on towns and industrial centres ’ .
23 However , the Court of Apothecaries took the view that Miller had been paying the increased rent for some years and declined to sanction the proposed allowance .
24 The authority took the view that J 's difficulties did not preclude him from following ‘ a normal mainstream curriculum suited to pupils of his age ’ .
25 Dr Gerard Vaughan , a former health minister , was especially vocal in condemning the action , but others took the view that the ‘ informer ’ in the case had a duty to report an action which possibly constituted a crime against another human being ;
26 Now , however , the Coal Board took the view that as the Secretary of State had never formally ruled on the consent to demolish following the inquiry , they were not obliged to honour their undertaking .
27 However , SAVE took the view that the hospital formed an important set piece of Regency townscape , being not only at a focal point in the middle of the royal parks , but also adjacent to both Decimus Burton 's Ionic arch at the entrance to Hyde Park and Apsley House .
28 Although his mother remained upset about the accident , and was naturally more protective of him , his father took the view that if Guy did not perceive himself as disabled , nobody else would , and this proved to be the case .
29 To illustrate the dangers of this measure , suppose that the Government took the view that membership of the Communist Party presented a threat to national security and that leading members of the party — including those holding positions in trade unions — were to be kept under surveillance .
30 The appeal court took the view that a speaker must take the audience as he or she finds it — this contradicted Beatty v. Gillbanks and revived all the fears about ‘ mob rule ’ which had been to the forefront of the judges ' minds in that case .
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