Example sentences of "when the church " in BNC.

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1 The nave was reconstructed in 1838–41 , and again in 1890–7 when the church became Southwark Cathedral .
2 At harvest services when the church was crowded and extra seats were needed the stewards simply borrowed what chairs they could get form the neighbours living down the White Row in Carrickblacker Road .
3 The feast day of the saint to whom the church was dedicated , St Martin in this case , was a time when the church would be crowded with worshippers .
4 The present building is supposed to have been erected in 1333 , when the church was made collegiate by Sir John de Heslerton and housed six chaplains and three clerks .
5 The earliest mention of the church is in 1115 when the church and titles were given to the Abbey of St Martin in York .
6 There have been times when the Church has persecuted even its own people who have held differing views .
7 This is understandable because the Gospels were written at a time when the Church had to exist in a Roman world .
8 1,400 ready to become priests as they win a historic vote FOURTEEN hundred women who want to be Anglican priests got the green light yesterday when the church 's ruling body voted for women to be ordained .
9 Sir James Campbell of Ardkinglas , the member of parliament for Stirlingshire in the Argyll interest , found out the cost of a disputed patronage appointment in 1756 , when the church of Gargunnock became vacant .
10 Thursday is Ascension Day when the church observes the bodily ascension of Christ into heaven .
11 This brings some benefits through musical cross-fertilisation between the cathedral and the wider community , but the cathedral does not always get the full benefit of one who is employed to do what is commonly regarded as a full-time job , and this at a time when the Church needs from its organists not only the highest musical expertise but also liturgical knowledge and a readiness to take some part in the running of the cathedral .
12 It was indeed a sad thing that in these days when the Church had enough enemies outside it should divide itself into hostile forces , because , he added aptly , forgetting the original subject of the quotation , a house divided against itself could not stand .
13 In 1932 it had captured international headlines when the church was attacked by a mob of evangelical bigots who went to work with sledgehammers , wrecking altars and destroying ornaments of which they disapproved ; perhaps the last violent twitch of the Puritan tail on English soil .
14 His monument erected in the Parish Church of East Grinstead was removed to Sevenoaks in 1710 , when the Church roof fell in and a window to his memory was placed in the Parish Church of Sevenoaks in 1954 .
15 Does n't it recall the time when the church taught that our Earth was the centre of the universe , and the stars just little pinpricks of light set in the sky for our delight ( or , even more absurdly presumptuous , that the stars go out of their way to exert astrological influences on our little lives ) ?
16 Abortion of a male up to 40 days and a female up to 80 days was thus considered permissible until 1989 , when the Church adopted its current position — that the soul was infused at conception — which effectively outlaws abortion .
17 Witches were also accused of using herbs to ease the pain of labour at a time when the Church held that pain in childbirth was the Lord 's punishment for Eve 's original sin .
18 ‘ At a time when the Church and religious belief were under a great deal of pressure .
19 And o on this day when the church celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit !
20 But even at a time when the church is under financial pressure , Father Robert Sweeney does n't think they 're being over extravagant .
21 Well , they can come in to the church , as many of them do , erm and I just say to them well , you know , do you respect this place and fine , it 's a place where we do n't chuck anybody out who comes into church for all sorts of reasons during the day when the church is open , you know , people come in , and there are many people like the ones we 've been talking about , who are in desperate need , and we just ask them to respect certain fairly mild rules they can always go out in the churchyard and smoke , but in the building itself we say no smoking and no drinking .
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