Example sentences of "when [art] wind " in BNC.

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1 But chiefly he stresses the danger of salt spray , ‘ Never let the covers be off , except on days when the wind is not sufficiently high to beat the water into what the seamen call white caps . ’
2 One wild evening , when the wind was howling and rain lashing down , I took Peter Brewer , a Somerset bank manager up to the loch , much against his better judgment .
3 Attempting to use the straps when the wind is not strong enough .
4 If you tack at the right time , when the wind slightly changes in direction , large amounts of ground can be made over those who are oblivious to the shift .
5 On the few occasions when the wind was not blowing a gale , the fog descended like a shroud .
6 If we were lucky , there were a few minutes in the evening when the wind dropped , the dust storm subsided , and we could brave the mosquitoes and wash the corrosive dust from our bodies .
7 I can even find potted shrimps when the wind 's in the right direction .
8 Sometimes when the wind rattles through the awning
9 I read it late one night when the wind was screaming round the house , blowing snow against all the windows , and sometimes I was afraid .
10 So very early one morning when the wind was a moderate westerly and made northward progress easy , Creggan set off over the great industrial cities to find the high ground beyond them that he sensed would be there .
11 Although Creggan preferred in such weather to keep inland he had a natural preference for the coast and on calmer days when the wind abated he would spend a few hours along the shore .
12 These windy periods are interspersed with breaks from 4 to 8 days when regular sea breezes blow into the gulf at force 2 to 3 , with the odd day when the wind fails .
13 In contrast the American pairings were a mere nine under par between them , albeit on an afternoon when the wind was swirling around the course causing all sorts of problems with club selection .
14 The gold of summer faded off Gabriel 's skin , grew down to the tips of his hair , and on days when the wind blew , he shivered at the top of his ladder like a flag at a mast-head , his long shirt billowing full of cold air .
15 I say when the wind blows it sort of a howl in here
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