Example sentences of "to have as little " in BNC.

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1 I expect he hoped to have as little as possible to do with her , but when she made a dead set at him , as she did at all young married men , that was no longer possible .
2 Planning for the future care of your children can be particularly stressful if you are someone who wants to have as little as possible to do with social services and other authorities , or if you have had a bad experience with them in the past .
3 ‘ We want it to have as little impact as possible on the production process , ’ says Senator Moynihan .
4 Seaman comments that that presentation Another and concordant view is recorded by Lichtheim : Lichtheim goes on to quote Pease , then Secretary of the Fabian Society , as saying : ‘ We were thus in a position to welcome the formation of working class Socialist societies , but it is certain that they would never have welcomed us ’ ; and to add , perhaps unkindly : ‘ Beatrice Potter — a rich , spoiled , arrogant young woman with more beauty than brains — was determined to have as little as possible to do with the working class . ’
5 ‘ And when do you start singing ‘ Yankee Doodle ’ , McAllister ? ’ said Dr Neil , provocative in his turn , but oh , she looked remarkable when she was all fired up , as he supposed she called it , and despite his resolution to have as little to do with her as possible he could not resist continuing to tease her .
6 Industrialists never liked financiers much , and established industrialists tried to have as little as possible to do with bankers .
7 But one thing Rachel was certain of was that the revival of those memories had only intensified her dislike of her sister 's ex-fiancé , and when she arrived for work the following Monday morning and he was the first person she saw she found her resolve to have as little to do with him as possible had only been strengthened .
8 Still , it was true in the main , so for the few weeks she was to be in Venice she would take the greatest care to have as little to do with him as possible .
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