Example sentences of "to have [vb pp] itself " in BNC.

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1 Just the odd word here and there , like ‘ horrendous ’ , ‘ brutal ’ , ‘ cold-blooded ’ or ‘ dangerous ’ , had filtered through the screen that seemed to have erected itself around him .
2 The headache appeared to have resolved itself with analgesic .
3 Well that seems to have sorted itself out , actually .
4 The brick side-wall of his neighbour 's house seemed to have moved itself four or five feet further towards the dividing fence , so that it loomed offensively .
5 Indeed , although the SLA is composed overwhelmingly of qualified teachers , it seems to some to have shown itself less aware of the pressures of educational change than the Library Association , with its royal charter to oversee the interests of libraries of all kinds .
6 Happily , happily the statement of faith does seem to have commended itself to a much larger number of presbyteries and kirk sessions and many indeed hundreds hundreds took the trouble to offer amendments and improvements to it .
7 Even Britain seemed to have transformed itself .
8 For a scheme which was claimed to take independent financial advisers out of the power of insurers , this is an ironic situation for Fimbra to have got itself into . ’
9 It appeared to have locked itself .
10 Unlike history , the ‘ new ’ geography would appear to have rid itself of imperialist associations .
11 At the moment of writing , Labour seems to have lumbered itself with a system in which thode entitled to nominate — Labour MPs — will have no reliable means of guessing whether they are wasting their nominations on a no-hoper .
12 Edward IV 's financial legacy was not as healthy as is usually assumed and the administration seems to have found itself juggling income and expenditure with more than usual anxiety .
13 Edward IV 's financial legacy was not as healthy as is usually assumed and the administration seems to have found itself juggling income and expenditure with more than usual anxiety .
14 Geographical concentration , having been interrupted by the decentralization of the '60s and early '70s , seemed to have reasserted itself .
15 Their suspicions were borne out by a careful analysis of six different tumours ; in each case the viral promotor turned out , as expected , to have inserted itself next to the proto-oncogene myc .
16 My head seemed to have emptied itself of words .
17 So long as such men as Willaert , Verdelot , and Arcadelt held posts in Venice , Florence , and Rome that is , until the mid-century or after Italian music can not be said to have emancipated itself from northern tutelage .
18 By 1987 the INLA was thought to have destroyed itself , but some of the fragments joined disillusioned Provisionals to form the Irish People 's Liberation Organisation .
19 Instead a new trend seems to have manifested itself .
20 A figure of that sort , roughly twice the value of East Germany 's 1986 exports and imports combined , is bound to cause incredulity , but even if the figure were halved , it would still be a remarkable indication of what has happened to a country which in the first half of the 1980s claimed to have established itself among the top ten industrial nations .
21 This led to a great setback for the Company ; by the early 1680s it seemed to have established itself , and paid its first dividends , at about 50 per cent a year , but it was then caught up in England 's wars against France , the bases were captured , and no regular dividends could be paid until after it had got its property back under the terms of the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 .
22 That knot seemed to have established itself in her throat once more .
23 The weed , caulerpa taxifolia , is believed to have established itself in 1984 , when tropical fish aquariums in a Monaco museum were emptied into the sea .
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