Example sentences of "few minutes [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The 5 sins were such things as letting his Bible fall by accident , jumping about for a few minutes on the sabbath , forgetting that it was Sunday , and hesitating to lend his sister a book which she asked him for . '
2 I asked Terry to come along because one of the things I tho I tho I hope we might get round to spending a few minutes on was about Alan 's raised it before about records coming in er , and what the state of the game is in records coming into us and how we 're transferring that information , or not transferring that information onto dep onto department 's national curriculum er material
3 Again , a few minutes on the personal computer is all that is required .
4 She leaned for a few minutes on the stone parapet overlooking the river , shading her eyes against the glitter of sunlight on the water and feeling its warmth soaking into her bones , before crossing the road and plunging into the narrow streets of the old town .
5 She was in food time this morning , and could spend a few minutes on the bridge , looking at the river .
6 I shall deal mainly with the latter subject , but I intend to spend just a few minutes on education .
7 Guscott 's score came with 14 men on , but the new law that allows a temporary substitute meant that Paul Burnell had a few minutes on the pitch before Wright returned to see the Lions leading 12–5 .
8 Guscott 's score came with 14 men on , but the new law that allows a temporary substitute meant that Paul Burnell had a few minutes on the pitch before Wright returned to see the Lions leading 12–5 .
9 Stop anywhere for a few minutes on a summer 's day and you are likely to end up as an unpaid extra in next year 's calendar or on a biscuit tin .
10 We should have that in a few minutes on the , the quotes side , Mark 's gon na bring them in to me .
11 In total , Pippin and PJ spent only a few minutes under the lights and had a lots of praise and Bonios afterwards .
12 If travelling in a car , you might stop for a few minutes as a penalty , refusing to speak to the child until he behaves .
13 Only got in for a few minutes as half the church was there .
14 On the telephone , I was greeted with a very friendly and hearty ‘ Well … well … well ! ’ and we chatted for a few minutes as if there had been no break in our contact .
15 Working people and shoppers here have as much right to sit in the sunshine at lunchtime for a few minutes as their counterparts elsewhere in the country .
16 " I shall be much happier , Nathaniel , if you do n't bother Chuck every few minutes about his future , " she said quietly without looking at her husband .
17 Georgina chatted for a few minutes about the qualities she considered desirable in a secretary ; she even asked Celia 's opinion .
18 There were a funny few minutes about John Major 's working class credentials but like Mills the rest of the act was a bit hackneyed .
19 At first people will endorse General Morgan as ‘ king of Somalia ’ but , a few minutes into discussion , the truth is out .
20 Early one pre-Sale morning a stranger silently passed two sorters working in the vestibule , went for a few minutes into the Church , which happened at eh time to be empty of all nut noods , and then said to them as he walked out ‘ You 've made that Church live . ’
21 I made him understand that he was to stay where he was and I would return in a few minutes with a tin of tobacco .
22 Add the rice and saffron and sauté for a few minutes with the onion until opaque .
23 He returned in a few minutes with a very wet and chastened Liam and the cortege was complete .
24 However , I 've just spent an interesting few minutes with my nose in line with the needles , gingerly winding the transfer carriage along with the ribber on half pitch — all in the interests of this article you understand , while hoping I would n't damage the transfer needle !
25 I can knock fifty thousand miles off the clock in a few minutes with my high-speed electric drill .
26 I showered and then decided to lie in a hot bath for a few minutes with a cup of tea at my elbow and the latest Kingsley Amis in front of my face .
27 She was familiar enough with the garden by this time to return in only a few minutes with sheafs of colourful tropical blooms , and she arranged them in two big vases to make riotously informal bunches of colour that lacked classical form but would , she hoped , be pleasing to Faye 's artistic eye .
28 After a few minutes with Mr Malik , Robert himself quite often felt like making the frighteningly short journey from doubt to belief .
29 ‘ Do n't I get a chance to have a quiet few minutes with poor old Sarella ? ’
30 Security said they 'd send someone over right away , and she busied herself for the next few minutes with the half-dozen patients in the waiting area .
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