Example sentences of "few months [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , by far the most surprising thing about the whole workwear-as-fashion issue is that , despite now being a fair few months down the workwear/style line , there are still the doubters , the sceptics , the fashion-aware bods who hiss ‘ hype ’ at the mere mention of moleskin .
2 Few months down the line , and he sells him at a loss .
3 Well , I mean Brody may be able to survive by not actually only having a few months between doing it and being revived I think .
4 Pupils of the town 's Philip Morant School will plant the rest of the trees over the next few months on the proposed Gosbecks Archaeological Park near the school .
5 You were set up for life with them , ’ Olive Fitzgerald of the Samaritans , bracing for a flood of calls over the next few months on their telephone helpline , told Reuters ' man .
6 Dana Gillespie : ‘ DeFries always thought that in order for us to absorb musical culture as it should be from America , we should actually go and live in America , and it took quite a few months for it all to be organized .
7 A government supermarket in New Delhi has been selling 10 solar cookers every day for the past few months for about £20 each .
8 But David Townsend , director of Croydon SSD , has complained to Herbert Laming , SSI chief inspector , that inspectors should wait a few months for the reforms to bed down .
9 The kit is going on sale in Britain in a few months for around £14,000 and takes between 500 and 1,000 hours to complete .
10 He was sent down from Eton in 1863 for a few months for having made a forbidden visit to a Jesuit house .
11 Those few studies [ … ] that have reassessed parental characteristics at various ages of the child have shown that even in the course of a few months during infancy there may be drastic changes in a mother 's behaviour-sometimes resulting from changes in the infant 's behaviour , sometimes brought about by extraneous factors .
12 And despite their higher incomes , they rarely become rich because their activities are limited to the few months during the year when the climate is favourable for construction work .
13 When I was pregnant , and we did not have this constantly changing situation of togetherness and separation , my husband complained that I had not noticed him kissing me goodbye in the morning — I was starting to take him for granted after only a few months without going to the mikva !
14 In kung fu one can not train for more than a few months without hearing the phrase ‘ chi kung ’ , repeated time and time again .
15 Attacks have continued every few months since then .
16 He himself was only a little shy — and obviously very proud of the English words he 'd acquired in the few months since his arrival .
17 Bomber Command lost over 500 aircraft during the next few months over Berlin , and when you consider that this meant 3,500 fully trained men , it can be realised that it was a critical time .
18 Perhaps it would have been necessary , in order to eliminate the reign of King Edward VIII , not merely for King George V to have lived a few months under the sentence of death , but for Neville Chamberlain , never one for tolerant inactivity whatever his other faults , to have succeeded MacDonald in 1935 .
19 You 'll see there that like most of his kind he was detained without trial for a few months under Regulation 18B-in nineteen forty . ’
20 Although he is now a few months past the usual retirement age of 65 , Mr Sulzberger has not disclosed when he will go .
21 It may well have been the case that at this time , only a few months into the venture , the women were being paid much the same wage as boy apprentices at the same stage , and this would therefore explain why the delegate meeting decided merely to try to apply the same rule as , in theory at least , limited apprentices " numbers .
22 He was educated at Harrow , from where he went for a few months into his father 's City office , which he hated ; and he spent a term in Göttingen , learning German .
23 Selling the piano was only a few months into the marriage .
24 After a few months as a general news reporter I was given a wider range of assignments and when Jim Miller left , my regular beats included the monthly School Board meetings and the daily Police Court and High Court sessions .
25 A few months as a registrar in Nottingham , then he would be well set up for a job in the place of his choice .
26 Companies ' p&l accounts will undergo a radical change over the next few months as the Accounting Standards Board 's FRS 3 , which deals with the structure and content of the p&l account , comes into effect .
27 It 's understood the jobs will disappear over the next few months as part of a slimming down exercise .
28 I am writing in reply to all the letters you have printed over the past few months about Steffi Graf .
29 Her next door neighbour , a Mrs. Ellen Greaves , gave evidence that she had constantly challenged Esther Dyson in sign language ( which she had learnt through daily contact with the deaf brother and sister ) over the preceding few months about her being in the family way .
30 Although The Art Newspaper has written extensively during the last few months about the problems the international art trade will be facing in just over half a year from now , I nevertheless want to bring to your attention some other serious difficulties which the art market will have to confront , issues which are quite separate from the general economic malaise affecting business at the moment .
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