Example sentences of "why he 'd " in BNC.

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1 I asked him why he 'd lost his own teeth and he said the cause had been pyorrhea .
2 A bandage round his head , a cup of tea in his blunt hands , he looked like the only survivor of some great catastrophe , and Nathan could understand exactly why he 'd been able to move India-May to tears and why he 'd been given a room on the first floor , one of the large ones , for nothing .
3 A bandage round his head , a cup of tea in his blunt hands , he looked like the only survivor of some great catastrophe , and Nathan could understand exactly why he 'd been able to move India-May to tears and why he 'd been given a room on the first floor , one of the large ones , for nothing .
4 He did n't know why he 'd written , except maybe to let people know that he was alive .
5 That was why he 'd turned round .
6 A few days later he had a letter from a listener asking him why he 'd told them that his gas bill was arriving the following day .
7 She was beginning to see why he 'd been Jake 's friend .
8 At Deirdre 's elbow stood the faithless Jonathan Headleand , who was trying to explain to his stepmother 's first husband Edgar why he 'd decided , after all his protests , to follow in his father 's footsteps , while simultaneously trying to keep one eye on Deirdre ( for whom he felt responsible ) and the other on his girlfriend Kate Williams who was being harangued by a Tory backbencher about Marxist infiltration of the Open University .
9 Dizzy knew the exact value of the people he kept , which was why he 'd given the estate management job to Diane and not to one of his regular hangers-on .
10 Perhaps that was why he 'd waited .
11 If only she 'd had the chance to ask him why he 'd had the affair .
12 ’ You must have been furious , ’ I added , ’ when he told you this morning why he 'd picked you up . ’
13 Did n't know why he 'd bothered .
14 He could n't go back , he could n't go on , and yet he was n't entirely sure why he 'd stopped .
15 In fact , given the bitterness the memory of Cherith still evoked , she wondered why he 'd decided to confide in her at all .
16 He did n't quite know why he 'd hoped that Alex could be cleared of the murder , but the confirmation of his friend 's guilt sapped him of all energy .
17 Suddenly the penny dropped , and Meredith knew why he 'd been prowling about the airport like an angry lion .
18 That was why he had been so hostile at the beginning , why he 'd known all about the family .
19 He 'd lied about so much else , and it was quite clear now why he 'd wanted to know so much about Ryan , where he was , what he 'd done ; he 'd wanted to know how much or how little Ryan had told her so that he did n't make the same mistakes .
20 It also became clear why he 'd wanted to make love to her ; to make her believe he cared , because if she cared for him who better to persuade the colonel to tell his friends on the council to let the plans go through ?
21 And er somebody asked him why he 'd stopped bidding , Well , he said , I could see there was nobody in my line trying for it .
22 But Donal had — that was more than obvious ; that 's why he 'd laughed .
23 It was also presumably why he 'd sent Feargal off to Wexford , as a joke , because he 'd known damn well that he lived in Slane and that Ellie was likely to meet him again .
24 But that was why he 'd told Doreen she was not yet the hostess .
25 At the time I honestly never gave a thought to why Billy Tuckett had been poncing around on the roof in the wee small hours or why he 'd chosen Sunil 's bathroom to fall through .
26 He had spent the morning in bed with Rosie , which was why he 'd missed his date down at the docks , she had rung him at ten to eight .
27 Again , that 's fine , but the member had no idea as to exactly why he 'd lost the appeal .
28 What I could n't work out was why he 'd driven all the way over here .
29 And if for some strange reason he 'd been misinformed , been told that the horse had lost , then it was difficult to see why he 'd kept the slips so carefully in his wallet .
30 Goodness knows why he 'd dragged her here — right in the middle of the day , for heaven 's sake ! — but there was n't anything to be gained by losing her temper .
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