Example sentences of "man 's face " in BNC.

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1 She stared in anger at the old man 's face , at his eyes which goggled anxiously at hers , then roved off when she met his look , his lips which caved in on his gums and mumbled and tightened as though he was always eating .
2 As he was handed back into the Tolbooth , there was a bustle at another door — a man 's face , focusing suddenly into familiarity : James , a patch of high colour on each cheekbone , red on white , his hair more grizzled than Cameron remembered , looking ahead of him with wide eyes .
3 ‘ My husband was driving , ’ she began and she wondered why the man 's face wore such a sloppy expression .
4 It was a black and white photograph which had been partially tinted with pastel colours so that though the young man 's face was paper-white , his eyes were sky-blue and his medal ribbons bright as a rainbow .
5 All of this led to Khrushchev 's best-remembered comment of the tour : ‘ Man 's face , ’ he said , ‘ is more beautiful than his backside . ’
6 The man 's face was a glistening red , as though he had smeared it with Vaseline .
7 Tammuz faced him and Quincx Roirbak stepped back from the raw emotion on the younger man 's face .
8 The lead climber , Sedlmayer , caught sight of a possible bivouac ledge , and simultaneously a man 's face , looming up out of the icy fog .
9 Tenderly he stroked the dead man 's face .
10 The man 's face gave nothing away .
11 He looked at Briant under his lashes and , pleased with the expression on the other man 's face , went on smoothly .
12 The man 's face changed .
13 Morton thought he detected a momentary look of relief on the man 's face .
14 Vic hoots impatiently at the barrier ; the security man 's face appears at the window and flashes an ingratiating smile .
15 The man 's face was indistinct , a tall mestizo with large , softly frowning features , but I still heard his voice clearly : ‘ Sucio . ’
16 The old man 's face was unreadable .
17 The big man 's face was as bitter , as resentful , as Hector 's had been .
18 This time there was no knife , they just got him on the floor and it was just a fist which had come down on the man 's face again and again .
19 Throwing my head back and laughing in the man 's face was not , on reflection , the correct or polite response .
20 After lighting the gas jets , he also lit a candle which he held above the young man 's face .
21 With the development of closed and visored helms , which effectively hid a man 's face , elaborate crests in the shapes of animals , birds , fantastical creatures and other adornments were employed on helmets to signal identity , and these too became associated with particular families .
22 For the first time Arthur had a good look at the man 's face .
23 They are capable of aiming accurately enough to splash a man 's face from a distance of 6 feet .
24 Then a man 's face suddenly appeared from nowhere in front of my eyes .
25 The man 's face was eager , greedy , vindictive ; his arm was raised with a great jagged knife clasped in it .
26 ‘ Hope and fear may be read in every man 's face . ’
27 Only Mr. Smith said he had been able to see the man 's face .
28 ‘ Four years from now , yes , by then … ’ the old man 's face broke into a grin .
29 He saw the excited , childish smile on the younger man 's face and knew the answer .
30 Suddenly Bogie threw a full glass of scotch into the man 's face while simultaneously Mayo hit the man on the head with her shoe .
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