Example sentences of "man stand [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To demonstrate the power of the animals , a fully grown man stands on the back of the 6-inch-long shrew , balancing himself on one leg .
2 Now that looks a very simple sort of thing , it 's quite large , a man stands about that high .
3 One man stands near the wicket and bats and another bowls .
4 The man stands like a kouros , left foot forward , but differs from one not only in the calf and the arms raised to hold it , but in having a beard and a cloak .
5 Well , there 's never been a man to stand against me and see another day ! ’
6 In time I became Wolsey 's friend , the only man to stand by him when he fell from power and lay in bed gasping out his life and cursing the king who had turned against him .
7 The man standing at the entrance was in his late twenties with greasy blond hair and a stained apron tied loosely' around his fat stomach .
8 Li Shai Tung stared at the urbane , highly-sophisticated man standing at his side and laughed briefly , bemused that Shepherd could see himself in that brutal portrait .
9 The Dragoons with swords drawn , sitting stiff-backed on their restless mounts ; the noisy rebellious crowd ; the pale-faced young man standing on the platform , waiting to die .
10 A movement caught his eye and he looked back at the man standing on the steps of the rear coach .
11 ROS : That 's it — pale sky before dawn , a man standing on his saddle to bang on the shutters — shouts — What 's all the row about ? !
12 An awakening , a man standing on his saddle to bang on the shutters , our names shouted in a certain dawn , a message , a summons …
13 We , Rosencrantz and Guildenstern , from our young days brought up with him , awakened by a man standing on his saddle , are summoned , and arrive , and are instructed to glean what afflicts him and draw him on to pleasures , such s a play , which unfortunately , as it turns out , is abandoned in some confusion owing to certain nuances outside our appreciation — which , among other causes , results in , among other effects , a high , not to say , homicidal , excitement in Hamlet , whom we , in consequence , are escorting , for his own good , to England .
14 A man standing under the trees a little way off had produced an accordion and begun to play .
15 The tears gathered more thickly in his eyes and in the partial darkness he imagined he saw the form of a young man standing under a dripping tree .
16 A man standing beside a combine harvester or an earring photographed with a close-up of the head will help to convey the size of the object .
17 The man standing beside Ellen moved to go after him , but fitzAlan turned on him .
18 She swallowed hard on the tightness of her throat , the momentary fear vanishing , to be replaced by a far more tangible awareness of the man standing beside her .
19 While she recognised the figure of her cousin 's fiancé , whom she 'd met at their engagement party , the man standing beside him was a complete stranger .
20 see what happened is , I came over and he says , you know I 've told this lady that you saw the man standing beside her and she went she sort of , she described him , apparently he was very tall which
21 The Special Branch man standing outside Lady Thatcher 's house in Belgravia noticed the arrival of a theatrical costumier 's van .
22 A little way along there was a young man standing between two stalls with a tray suspended by a strap around his neck .
23 The Maiden Stone near Chapel of Garioch , about 5 miles north-west of Inverurie , carries interlaced panels with the figure of a man standing between two contorted fish , and designs on the back include the characteristic ‘ Z-rod ’ and mirror and comb symbols .
24 And how dared the man standing between herself and the light so that she could not see him clearly speak so harshly of what she had done ?
25 There was a man standing over the patient looking down at the face completely encased in bandages .
26 A week ago a man on the run had come into her house , he had been unkempt , his hair curling thickly about his face , he had not been as well groomed as the man standing before her now , but the breadth of shoulder was the same and something about the dark eyes staring into hers touched a chord .
27 Hari thought again of her father and sitting there on the edge of her seat she believed that the man standing before her , handsome and young though he might be , was the same kind of man as Dewi Morgan , upright and steadfast , his eyes clear and direct as they looked down at her .
28 Esther Ward was clearly agitated , her bony fingers plucking at the frayed leather of the desk-top , and a nervous look in her unusually penetrating blue eyes that sent a shiver through the man standing before her .
29 The man standing before her had earlier been on his knees on the opposite side from the woman .
30 Leila looked up and saw the man standing in the doorway , recognising him immediately for a creature less human than Sindy or any of her contemporaries .
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