Example sentences of "might prove a " in BNC.

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1 Now it hopes that the rest of Europe might prove a similarly fertile source of work .
2 We were , however , not encouraged to fraternise , as our Establishment considered that the Yanks , being naïvely and pressingly inquisitive , and perhaps not possessing an inherited sense of the paramount importance of secrecy in wartime , might prove a security risk .
3 He had n't the vicious streak that showed in his brother , and might prove a very good team-member .
4 ‘ Quickest and cheapest ’ sounds an attractive proposition , but ‘ proceed with caution ’ might prove a sensible warning , together with a reminder that in many areas , LEA experience and expertise — on legal issues , employment law , salaries and conditions of service regulations and bulk purchasing facilities , for example — are first class .
5 Without some sense of personal identity , the wilful manoeuvres of the anorexic would not be possible : either suicide or madness might prove a better ‘ choice ’ of solution to the individual 's problems .
6 For most of the former , republicanism involved a commitment to fundamentally reforming Spanish society ; for many of the latter , little more than a conviction that a republic , if politically moderate , might prove a sounder guarantor of conservative interests than a discredited monarchy susceptible to outright revolution .
7 Any hope that responses to the Copernican innovation might prove a sensitive indicator of Protestant and Catholic attitudes to the value of natural philosophy is clearly frustrated .
8 The problem then becomes that when the puritan literature of the early seventeenth century is examined , the seeds of what might prove a flowering of science are difficult to find .
9 But she had known that , while she looked back in wonder across a million years , his mind on the minute scrape of putty from the heel of the suspect 's shoe , the trace which might prove a man was a rapist or a murderer .
10 His parents hoped that this might prove a stepping-stone to a painter 's career , but Rosenberg hated the work , only deriving consolation from his reading of such poets as Byron , Keats , Shelley , and , most importantly , William Blake [ qq.v. ] ; from his own writing ; and from evening painting classes at the art school of Birkbeck College .
11 And with the vague , uneasy sense that , having forced the door open a little way , the country on the other side might prove a lot stranger than she 'd ever imagined , she walked on in subdued silence for a while . )
12 I feel that I might prove a hindrance rather than a help . ’
13 To many , internment has its attractions but , put into practice , it might prove a short-term expedient that would soon run out of steam .
14 But many Scottish broadcasters argue that in deploying minimum resources there will be instances where the new directorate wo n't authorise Manchester to fill the gap and they are faced with the choice of hiring independents at what might prove a greater cost , thereby going over budget , or perhaps losing the programme .
15 On the subject of the Lions , Finlay Calder wondered whether it might prove a mistake taking both Wade Dooley and Peter Winterbottom to New Zealand as he considered them to be past their best .
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