Example sentences of "might provide a " in BNC.

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1 He is , in fact , a rare surviving embodiment of those long-vanished ideals of the 1950s , when it briefly seemed that University English might provide a terrain where all these practices could converge .
2 Indeed , such an academic structure might provide a good opportunity for the exercise suggested by Graff , in which students ( many of whom would probably be women ) would consider a feminist anthology of women poets of the past , and discuss how far they are admissible into the existing poetic canon , and what theoretical criteria might govern such admission .
3 This current feeling for the past might provide a way in adult classes of shifting the emphasis from popular modern writing to earlier literature .
4 That stalemate might provide a private sector equivalent of the Government 's golden share .
5 He could countenance violence and killing , if only they might provide a way out of the taedium vitae which formed his spiritual landscape .
6 As we have seen , damaging cells in the progress zone of the early bud causes proximal structures to be lost , and so our model just might provide a clue as to how thalidomide works .
7 Planned tutorials or lectures can be programmed for material which might provide a basis for development .
8 It might provide a temporary suspension of concern about school work , being bullied , or growing up ( or feeling one is not growing up ) .
9 The parallel with Watkins ' mark points was too striking to ignore , and attracted attention from those who felt that folklore might provide a clue to understanding leys .
10 A day centre staffed by Muslim people , including some women , might provide a solution in this case .
11 The Major 's sensibilities were divided between admiration for a man with self-pride and hostility to a man who by defiance might provide a threat to the peaceful and submissive nature of the Zone .
12 Thus the Historical European Railway Organisations would spell HERO , or a cryptic word ‘ Eg ‘ Eurddrail ? ’ ) might provide a solution .
13 Once the prickly and nationalistic de Gaulle had retired from French politics , France suggested in the early 1970s that WEU might provide a link between it and NATO .
14 SucH communities might provide a basis for a neighbourhood approach to management , or for some development of the parish council concept ( Boaden et al .
15 Its report suggested some principles which might provide a basis for action .
16 Ties which might provide a basis for group cohesion included regional origins ( reinforced by the domain system ) , shared caste , family relationships or occupation .
17 Detecting water movements helps many insects of fast-flowing streams to maintain their position , and it alerts aquatic leeches to the approach of animals which might provide a meal of blood .
18 This system suited Ferdinand in several ways : it was relatively cheap : it gave defence against small border raids and a trip-wire to provide early warning against major invasions ; it also broke the power of the remaining Croatian noble houses , which had survived the massacre of Krbavsko Polje ; and it might provide a corps of Kaisertreu troops in case of trouble from rebellious Hungarian magnates .
19 While , therefore , the FMI might provide a potential for developing greater , or at least different , accountability , it seems unlikely , at least in the short term , to bring significantly increased accountability to Parliament for the work of central administration .
20 And he — that is , he and Goibniu , thought that if we asked you — well , consulted you — you might provide a spell to get her free , ’ said Caspar .
21 Magnetic polarity can clearly provide one co-ordinate of a map sense ; various possibilities have been offered as to how magnetism might provide a second co-ordinate , to complete the map .
22 To propose that the separation of assessment from provision might provide a better incentive to create a needs-led service , than professional judgement , is to show a degree of confusion about the origins of our present predicament ( shortage of resource ; bureaucratization , etc. ) bordering on the incredible .
23 There was a ‘ Sold ’ sticker on the board , and she stood gazing at it for a moment as though it might provide a magic solution to all her problems .
24 Inspection of ( 47 ) , repeated here for convenience as ( 65 ) ( 65 ) would lead us a priori to expect , first , that the language might provide a simple way to question the noun phrase and adjective taken as a unit , and second that , if there are simple interrogations for the noun phrase alone and for the adjective alone , these would take a form parallel to that for the subject and ( ordinary ) predicative adjective of a normal copular clause .
25 See also Appendix 1 ) might provide a suitable balance between acoustic-phonetic processing and syntactic/semantic filtering of the competing word-strings for two reasons .
26 If a person suffers loss or damage as a result of a defect in some product , whether it be hardware or software , one or more of the following areas of law might provide a remedy :
27 There was a little parapet going round the arcade and it suddenly occurred to Owen that it might provide a vantage-point from which he could more pleasantly monitor proceedings .
28 Thus it is possible that a clause that did not make sufficient disclosure to preclude an action for breach of duty on the grounds of informed consent , might provide a defence as an effective exclusion clause .
29 For example , a speaker might provide a summary for someone who wished to know what the intended relevance of the lecture was but who was only familiar with the subject at an elementary level .
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