Example sentences of "might become [art] " in BNC.

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1 There were always some in the State Department who thought the policy might be pushed a little further : who thought that a unified Germany might become a big partner for America in the same way as is ( say some ) Japan .
2 He might become a Temporary Water Sports Development Officer .
3 The murmur might become a clamour , were it not that Mr Kinnock is already preparing to leap before being pushed .
4 Emerging in his mind was the thought that he might become a writer .
5 As Ackner LJ put it , the marchers might become a ‘ target for their viciousness ’ .
6 Once this is resolved it might become a major source of LDC finance in the future .
7 The country cottage might become a miniature replica of itself , or an ear of corn , or a vase which stood on the mantelpiece .
8 It never occurred to me that I might become a poet — partly because there were no books in the damp little prefab where we lived .
9 And one prominent Church of England member , Social Security Minister Ann Widdecombe , 45 , immediately announced that she had quit , and might become a Catholic instead .
10 There will be a lot of cloud again over many parts of England and Wales , although it might become a little brighter at times .
11 If such help was countered by generous tax concessions it might become a very attractive proposition indeed .
12 The anti-smoking campaigner — who played JR — wrote to the former premier to say many Americans were dismayed that she might become a consultant .
13 Diversification , particularly into potentially competing industries might become a preferred short-term stratagem .
14 Where the Esquerra 's left-of-centre credentials made Catalan autonomy seem ‘ safe ’ to the Madrid government , the PNV 's fervent Catholicism and general conservatism provoked Republican fears that an autonomous Basque region might become a base for right-wing subversion : what the Bilbao Socialist , Prieto , called a ‘ Vaticanist Gibraltar ’ .
15 Qualifications disqualify the person from being considered ( e.g. on the grounds that they will become easily bored or might become a trouble maker ) .
16 It seemed impossible that this might become a battlefield , and perhaps it would not , for Sharpe was already beginning to doubt what he had seen that same morning .
17 Without justice there could be no peace ; a knight was in honour bound to strive for justice , and at the ceremony of his dubbing his sword had been blessed so that , with the approval of the Church thus clearly implied , it might become a sword for justice .
18 But they would not have dreamed of creating a new system of belief which might become a rival of Judaism — and , worse still , its persecutor .
19 Two Irish policemen had been shot dead at Soloheadbeg last Tuesday by fellow Irishmen : it looked as if Joseph Hyde 's prediction about Civil War might become a reality all too soon .
20 Most initiatives arose from the ‘ movement left ’ — that amorphous network of local groupings , cultural ventures and autonomous campaigns that was the legacy of the libertarian revolts of the late 1960s and early 1970s — rather than from within the existing labour movement ( apart from the Institute for Workers ' Control , which in the mid-1970s looked as though it might become a major national forum for the newer movements of the 1970s and the earlier generation of intellectuals and trade unionists who had quit the Communist Party after 1956 ) .
21 As I emphasized at the beginning , the issue is not just one of zoological taxonomy , it is a problem of ethics , and unless you are prepared to argue that Koko the gorilla might become a Christian , ethics concern rules which apply to human beings but not to non-human beings .
22 If it had to finance that by raising its own taxes , Scotland might become a socialist state along Albanian lines with high taxes , centralised planning and everyone living in council houses and enjoying the beauties of the socialist system in its most untrammelled form .
23 ‘ Oh , I do n't know , ’ said Amiss , ‘ I think I might become a popular pet of the young .
24 By the nineteenth century these contrasting types of community would be categorized as being ‘ open ’ or ‘ closed ’ to migrants who might become a burden on the poor rates .
25 To this end it 's sometimes useful , when an abstract is unduly long , to mark on your notes on title the document that might become a future root .
26 It is feared that she might become a total loss .
27 and the third might become a fourth , the fourth unlikely to become a fifth and you think what a waste of time that was .
28 On the basis of this information , and on the assumption that all loads will come in time , might we speculate to accumulate and design a cost effective new IP/MP infrastructure in an area that might become a blueprint for future mains extensions ?
29 Never know , it might become a little trade !
30 Here as one of the latest winners of the Ivan Sutton Recording Prize was a former pupil of Harle , the Irishman , Gerard McChrystal , a performer of such striking personality that , given the right backing , he might become the James Galway of the saxophone , though not every musician would want to .
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