Example sentences of "might make a " in BNC.

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1 When you carry out the initial survey to check just what you have got and what you want , do n't discard anything that might make a positive contribution to the garden later on .
2 The superficial similarities might make a lesser man than Mikhail Gorbachev tremble .
3 ‘ You can argue that a change in rates might make a decisive turnround in the next six months or so … but recent behaviour of the foreign exchanges suggests that government control is not possible .
4 I remember Chapman was amazed when I told him we might make a million profit in 1982 .
5 Such a revaluation might make a paper and cash offer for the remaining 85% of Midland 's shares feasible .
6 As the bears go after salmon , not sticks , one might make a powerful ally in the Fishermen 's War .
7 For a second it looked as if he might make a stab at it , but then he saw John Wakeham , looking a little crestfallen , coming out in front of him , while behind John Patten , Tony Newton , Michael Portillo and Sir Patrick Mayhew were about to swing through Downing Street gates .
8 It seemed at first that Hepworth , too , might make a telling contribution when he began with three maidens , in the course of which he comprehensively bowled Pearson .
9 It might make a thief think twice .
10 Then prominently display a ‘ coded cycle ’ sticker — it might make a thief think again .
11 It might make a few people think , which is good .
12 ‘ Why , we might make a meeting-place in the woods , ’ cried Gillian excitedly — ‘ all our own ! ’
13 It considers the way in which we might make a reality of the observation ( by Keith Joseph ) that ‘ the curriculum should be relevant to the real world and pupils ’ experience of it' by considering the range of challenges and opportunities which people face in , say , the domestic environment , often regarded as too trivial for ‘ academic ’ education , but where arguably most important economic , technical and social decisions are made and acted upon : in the community where a host of issues require an informed public to exercise judgment and active commitment to ensure that the quality of the social and physical environment is constantly improved , and so on in other contexts which will require people to make an active and hopefully informed response , underlain by conceptual understanding of general issues to which , if taught effectively , geography , history , physical sciences and design , indeed all academic disciplines , can make a powerful contribution .
14 you feel exposed/that you might make a fool of yourself in front of others
15 Silly talk of linking arms around the Berlin wall just might make a few of the supporters of the SDP/Liberal Alliance — whose nuclear policies are indistinguishable from the government 's and whose voting habits are more volatile than Conservatives ' — opt for Mr Foot and his clear policy of unilateral disarmament .
16 A stressful situation , such as having to catch a train or make a speech , might make a normal person 's stomach churn a little , but in the IBS sufferer it can provoke a violent attack of diarrhoea .
17 If the individual is in fact acting on behalf of the company as an employee then the principle of vicarious liability would mean that the company ( as potentially the wealthier party ) might make a more attractive defendant from the plaintiff 's point of view .
18 A friend treated her to a pukkah drinks-dispensing butler who asked if he might make a personal remark before teetering off into the small hours .
19 We might make a diagram of the mediation process in the following way :
20 ‘ Of course , ’ Kirov snapped , vaguely resenting the implication that he might make a purely social call upon the photographer .
21 Other editors might make a slip , but let her so much as spell a name wrong and her telephone would blare , and some outraged lady would correct her with withering sarcasm .
22 Someone sensitive and caring might make a better leader or salesperson than someone more competitive .
23 Aggers ' biggest worry was that he might make a fool of himself bowling at Gooch after being out of the game for two years .
24 I knew he had a private hope that some day he might make a book with them .
25 To understand why , the image of a tumbling wall might make a fitting emblem .
26 Claims to leadership of national antislavery opinion also involved hopes of influencing British government policy where it might make a difference — for example , in negotiations over the continuing problem of slave trade suppression and on particular issues such as American fugitive slaves in British territories or terms for British recognition of the independence of Texas .
27 A recent review of the IQ debate , commissioned by the Swann inquiry , concluded that the largest variation in IQ scores was caused by the social and economic conditions under which children grew up and pointed out , ‘ If , therefore , we wish to affect the IQ scores of children from ethnic minorities , or indeed their school performance , we might make a start by improving the social and economic circumstances of their families ’ ( Mackintosh and Mascie-Taylor , 1985 , p. 148 ) .
28 Looking forward , and viewing ourselves as contributing to the development of provisionally held theories , it seems to offer no more than the hope that we might make a contributions even if we do not really understand what , how , or to what .
29 On the other hand , it was sometimes difficult to be certain of this , for there were some lairds who took a very unfavourable view of such officers , and there was a danger that a politician who desired to win a friend might make a mortal enemy .
30 I can see that in such a case they might make a gift of paintings or other works of art for tax reasons , for example , and would n't care if they were sold or not .
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