Example sentences of "might be difficult " in BNC.

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1 A more important reason not to experiment is to avoid the possibility of getting the glider into an untested mode of spin from which it might be difficult or impossible to recover .
2 In practice , given the monoglot tendency in secondary education it might be difficult to recruit students with the necessary competence .
3 For the teacher , is it how well the class has understood ? — but the topic might be difficult or the pupils not very bright .
4 Once with you , the old lady might be difficult to get rid of .
5 ‘ Well , that might be difficult , especially with the CO on my tail and … .
6 For some items it might be difficult to decide whether to use approval or put a cross against an item .
7 But it might be difficult for most white people to understand what that means , as there is a different atmosphere in the West .
8 Military conscription has always been a useful way of soaking up young people and even though Russia is suffering from a decline in the birthrate the sudden release of a large number of men on to the civilian labour market might be difficult to absorb at a time when Gorbachev is trying to raise productivity .
9 He warned against overdependence on a single player who might be difficult to replace , and was thus well aware of how hard it would be when Alex James retired .
10 For example , where there are natural monopolies , it might be difficult for a well-intentioned and determined DHA to effect changes : indeed , it might find itself more pre-occupied with trying to contain the natural inclinations of monopolists to raise prices without commensurate improvements in quality .
11 Although librarians might not make the mistake of viewing selection as censorship , amongst the general public * might be difficult to make the distinction given the sensational and mischievous coverage given to some alleged library censorship in the media .
12 Edouard was worried that it might be difficult for Grégoire to adjust to St-Cloud , and that he might be homesick .
13 It might be difficult for the boy to go so late , but there was no other way of educating him properly .
14 But if you were Jewish , and had grown up in a strict kosher home it might be difficult to accept , even if you now had a broader view through your conversion to Christ .
15 They were , of course , all in pale fright colours and I felt it might be difficult to distinguish the identities of the females .
16 ‘ Why do you think I might be difficult ? ’
17 If it 's ever proved that the mink has had an unacceptable effect on the environment , then it might be difficult , if not impossible , to redress the balance .
18 In the latter case it might be difficult to even prove that the building was lived in at all .
19 He did say that he thought the future might be difficult for us .
20 ‘ That might be difficult to arrange .
21 It might be difficult and changes be necessary , but would this not be better than what we have now ?
22 She would not be taken in , of course ; but it might be difficult to refuse politely .
23 " On the other hand , " I went on , " I have come across something that may lead to some news of Mr. Stavanger — It might be difficult to talk to you in your office — that 's why I 'm ringing now .
24 In each case the court held the promise to be binding on the party making it , even though under the old common law it might be difficult to find any consideration for it .
25 Maxim had an hour and a half to wait for a train to Osnabrück , and half changed his mind about hiring a car , but that meant lots of signatures , and might be difficult to hand back if he flew home on a trooping flight from RAF Gütersloh .
26 ‘ The rules for censorship of architecture might be difficult to draw up . ’
27 ‘ But it might be difficult to keep the side together , as there are rumours that John Rudge and Lou Macari were scouting during the finals . ’
28 Things might be difficult for a while but I did n't envisage any radical changes .
29 What I can not do is go around and do a full enquiry to find out what the position is , an enquiry indeed might be difficult , because you may have found these people but actually pinning down er to who does it and what actually happens may be more difficult .
30 With the imaging method there is of course the prospect of using pattern-matching to solve the problem , though this might be difficult .
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