Example sentences of "repeats itself " in BNC.

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1 The offer was turned down by the then philistine government ( history repeats itself ? ) and the collection returned to Tabley House .
2 Years later family history repeats itself with Eve 's daughters , by which time Dolly has forsaken the screen and gone into the fancy confectionery trade .
3 The scenario repeats itself again and again : the rainwater gutters are choked with leaves and self-seeded grass ; damp seeps through the roof and , as the building is often boarded up and not properly ventilated , perfect conditions soon exist for an outbreak of dry rot .
4 The fundamental difference between water-clocks and mechanical clocks , in the strict sense of the term , is that the former involve a continuous process , for example , the flow of water through an orifice , whereas the latter depend on a mechanical motion that continually repeats itself and so divides time uniformly into discrete segments .
5 As we have seen , this benefit is unlikely to be as large as the CEGB argues , and if Britain 's history on nuclear construction repeats itself more closely than the board hopes , there could be short-term costs .
6 What is surprising is that their refusal to read black texts — a refusal that makes no disturbance in their intellectual life — repeats itself when they reread the traditional , established works of literature worthy of their attention .
7 ‘ Let's hope history sort of repeats itself , and we get promoted back in the year we come back home . ’
8 The wearying scenario of disregard for human sensitivity , industrial rights and the need for consultation , endlessly repeats itself with disappointing and frustrating frequency .
9 The irony , remarked upon in connection with the supply of food animals , repeats itself here since the vast majority of these creatures will enjoy a well fed , decently housed , and sometimes even pampered existence , prior to a painless death .
10 At the lowest level , symptoms to which network managers are alerted include such things as a file re-transmission , while the diagnosis module steps in when a symptom repeats itself frequently and triggers a threshold , or when there is a single instance of a major network problem .
11 In the essay ‘ Theatum philosophicum ’ ( 1970 ) , written shortly after the Archaeology , Foucault attempts to avoid the snares of the problem of the relation of the event to the totality , or the particular to the general , that beset both Sartre and Althusser , by arguing that the event as event is only constituted through its repetition in thought as a ‘ phantasm ’ : ‘ it makes the event indefinite so that it repeats itself as a singular universal ’ .
12 This cycle repeats itself approximately every 90 minutes .
13 Being a violently-educated eighteen-year-old , I was familiar with Marx 's elaboration of Hegel : history repeats itself , the first time as tragedy , the second time as farce .
14 The process repeats itself in the second test-tube and then a drop is removed and used to seed the third test-tube , and so on .
15 History surely repeats itself in the poll tax rebel 's end .
16 Inside , the heart repeats itself like a sleepy gong ,
17 If one doctor treats condition ‘ y ’ with therapy ‘ x ’ , he may observe clinical improvement in the absence of any real treatment effect ; if this experience repeats itself , he is destined to become an enthusiast for therapy ‘ x ’ .
18 The process then repeats itself .
19 In ( d ) and ( e ) the current variations have become chaotic ; the pattern never repeats itself exactly .
20 This means that the pattern of variation never repeats itself .
21 History repeats itself in some less than mysterious ways .
22 Following last week 's journey back in time , history repeats itself again .
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