Example sentences of "aligned themselves " in BNC.

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1 The LTTE has also been responsible for massacres , both of Sinhalese and Moslem civilians , since June 1990 and against rival Tamil political groups who , in some cases , have now aligned themselves with the government 's forces .
2 Nowhere is this as clearly illustrated as in the struggles of black workers and in the way in which white workers have aligned themselves with the bureaucracy . ’
3 Most of the Moscow think-tanks have now aligned themselves with Mr Yeltsin .
4 Palace courtiers often aligned themselves with one or other marriage partner and that would stir up trouble between them .
5 The Sadducee High Priest , appointed by the Romans , was assassinated by the Zealots , and a major terrorist campaign was launched against other Sadducees who had aligned themselves with Rome .
6 Now that in itself is not unique , what is unique is because of our relationships with people like Microsoft who actually O E M and resell and O S Two , then many many of the P C and desktop Four G M and tools vendors vendors have aligned themselves behind that A P I .
7 By June 6 the FLN secretary-general Abdelhamid Mehri and the leader of the Islamic Hamas party , Shaikh Mahfoud Nahnah , had also aligned themselves with this broad platform , which rejected affiliation to the proposed Patriotic Rally .
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