Example sentences of "uruguay round " in BNC.

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1 There are huge gaps to bridge in the Uruguay round in less than two months , in areas such as services and textiles as well as agriculture .
2 Many industries , fearful of foreign competition , have been lukewarm about the Uruguay round from the start .
3 For example , at the end of July 1991 the French foreign trade minister , Dominique Strauss-Kahn , warned that on no account would France surrender its agricultural and industrial policies in the Uruguay Round .
4 Uruguay round before the end of the year is vital for Britain , essential for the world economy and still within our grasp .
5 GATT Uruguay Round
6 I can assure the hon. Member that there is no question of selling out any section of British industry because it is greatly to the advantage of British industry and the British economy that there should be a satisfactory outcome to the present Uruguay round .
7 Uruguay Round
8 Further proposals on rules of origin were tabled on Sept. 28 by Hong Kong and by the USA-in the latter case involving work in the CCC and later in GATT on a timetable which would run past the proposed end of the Uruguay Round .
9 Further proposals , statements and communications were submitted on Nov. 20-24 by Brazil , Peru , Indonesia , Malaysia and Japan , while on Dec. 18 a draft document was adopted aimed at fulfilling the mid-term review mandate and designed to permit negotiations to take place for the completion of all parts of the multilateral framework relating to services and to its entry into force by the end of the Uruguay Round .
10 Three countries-Brazil , India and Japan-were initially identified in May as candidates for such retaliatory action ( see p. 36926 ) ; at a special GATT Council meeting on June 21 and at the subsequent regular meeting on June 21-22 these three all expressed the apprehension that eventual US action under this provision would undermine GATT and the Uruguay Round , whereas the USA maintained that no trade action had yet been taken and assured the Council of its continuing strong commitment to both GATT itself and to the Uruguay Round .
11 Other developments in Uruguay Round
12 Trade ministers at their Oct. 11-13 Newfoundland meeting [ see above ] agreed to reject calls to extend the December deadline for completing the Uruguay Round .
13 Suspension of " Uruguay Round "
14 Agreements were also reached on ( i ) cutting tariffs over a five-year period following the conclusion of the Uruguay Round ; ( ii ) public procurement , i.e. buying of goods and services by governments ; and ( iii ) the reform of GATT 's anti-dumping code .
15 Resumption of Uruguay Round
16 The EC stated in the final declaration that it expected to implement an offer to remove or reduce duties on tropical products " once a satisfactory balanced conclusion has been reached in the Uruguay Round " .
17 Uruguay Round
18 These fears were compounded by US officials who emphasized that there could be no extension of the December deadline for the conclusion of the Uruguay Round if congressional approval on the " fast track " procedure [ see p. 37930 ] was to be secured .
19 A new German willingness to compromise on farm subsidies , however , emerged on Oct. 9 , and by Oct. 14 the GATT Director-General Arthur Dunkel was able to tell the IMF/World Bank meeting in Bangkok that there were real prospects of concluding the Uruguay Round by end-year , a deadline he had presented as crucial if the whole process were not to end in failure .
20 European Community ( EC ) Trade Ministers , meeting in Amsterdam on Oct. 12 , effectively accepted the timetable spelt out by Dunkel for completing the Uruguay Round .
21 " Uruguay round .
22 " The European Council reiterates its firm commitment to a substantial , balanced and global package of results of the Uruguay Round by the end of the year …
23 Extension of Uruguay Round
24 The US side had previously wanted these payments to be considered like other farm supports , and reduced accordingly , in the framework of GATT 's current Uruguay Round .
25 In the Financial Times of March 28 Bush 's spokesman , Marlin Fitzwater , was reported as saying in the week following the talks that the President was concerned about " the possible collapse " of the Uruguay Round .
26 Simultaneous reports quoted Delors as saying that he was optimistic about a deal first with the USA and afterwards in the general framework of the Uruguay Round .
27 International Economic Law deals with principles and organisation of world trade , international monetary system , foreign investment , World Bank Group , and includes examination of current developments , e.g. Uruguay Round .
28 However , none of its recommendations will be applied to the current series of GATT talks — the so-called " Uruguay round " .
29 The statement , issued by Downing Street , stated : ‘ The president of the commission has said that commission negotiators should re-engage , without delay , in negotiations with the United States in order to resolve the oil seeds dispute and the Gatt Uruguay round in a balanced way . ’
30 The statement said : ‘ The president of the commission has said that commission negotiators should re-engage , without delay , in negotiations with the United States in order to resolve the oil seeds dispute and the Gatt Uruguay round in a balanced way . ’
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